Police task force at Piano. Irregulars, drunks and drugs in the crosshairs

by time news

An illegal Kosovar in Italy for 25 years, a Tunisian who was driving a scooter with insurance expired three years ago, a drunk Dominican driver, a Moroccan who tried to hide a joint in his hair and an Italian caught with almost 10 grams of hashish in his backpack. This is the result of the checks carried out yesterday by the police in the Piano neighborhood, as part of the extraordinary Alto Impatto service. A task force of 35 police officers, deployed by police commissioner Cesare Capocasa in agreement with prefect Saverio Ordine. Special surveillance was carried out in the areas of the station, Archi, Piazza Ugo Bassi, Corso Carlo Alberto and Via Giordano Bruno with patrol personnel, foot soldiers, dog handlers, traffic police and the Crime Prevention unit. It was the 33rd service arranged for the Piano neighborhood since the beginning of the year. During the maxi check, 239 people were identified, 85 of whom had previous convictions, and checks were carried out on 70 vehicles. A 55-year-old man of Kosovar origin was found in a betting shop, with a criminal record and a residence permit that expired in 1999. He was taken to the police station and was notified of an order to leave Italian territory. The traffic police stopped a 22-year-old Tunisian on a scooter with insurance that had expired three years earlier. The vehicle was seized and he was fined. A 20-year-old, also Tunisian, was found without documents and was not legally in Italy. He was reported for violating the consolidated law on immigration. In Corso Carlo Alberto, a 28-year-old Somali was stopped because he was talking loudly and staggering. He was reported for being clearly drunk. During a checkpoint in Piazza Ugo Bassi, a 40-year-old Dominican was stopped on board his car. He was in a state of alteration due to alcohol abuse. When subjected to an alcohol test, he had more than double the legal limit. He was fined and the vehicle was seized. A 45-year-old Italian man, who fell from his scooter, was rescued by the police who found him, also drunk. A 19-year-old Moroccan man was noticed while walking and trying to hide a cigarette in his hair. It was a joint. A 30-year-old Somali man spontaneously handed over 2 grams of hashish to the police.

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