Police writer Agnès Naudin tried for violation of professional secrecy

by time news

Five years after the publication offamily affairs, the public prosecutor’s office requested a permanent ban on practicing, a three-month suspended prison sentence and a fine of 15,000 euros.

Heavy requisitions against Agnès Naudin, the police writer. On Monday, the prosecution requested a permanent ban on practicing, his three-month suspended prison sentence and a fine of 15,000 euros, including 5,000 suspended. The public prosecutor considers that she violated professional secrecy by publishing, in 2018, a book evoking ongoing investigations.

More than five years after the publication offamily affairs, “Agnès Naudin does not seem to have understood the interest of professional secrecy”, deplored the prosecutor, during the trial Monday before the Nanterre criminal court. “You are a troublemaker Agnès Naudin in service, she can still write on current affairs”, warned the representative of the prosecution.

You give elements of the identity of the father, the age of the nanny, her marital status… You repeat to the comma the statements of a hearing. Why so many details?

The president of the Nanterre Criminal Court

Agnès Naudin, author of several books and current spokesperson for the FSU Interior union, talks about three investigations in family affairs published in 2018, including an incestuous rape. Chance of the calendar, this case will be judged Friday in Nanterre. The book is “blessed bread” for the defense of the defendant, deplores the prosecutor. Agnès Naudin, then police captain at the Hauts-de-Seine Territorial Security, describes the teenager as “bitch” Who “was lying”. The 38-year-old policewoman replied that she had tried to “be transparent». “It was a way of showing that sometimes we have reactions that are not worthy of our position” policeman, she breathes at the bar, her back arched.

“Closer to reality”

His book also evokes an investigation concerning a shaken baby. “You give elements of the identity of the father, the age of the nanny, her marital status… You take up to the comma the statements of a hearing”notes the president of the court. “Why so many details?” she asks him, believing that the policewoman could have given her testimony of more generally.

“I was very afraid of betraying reality, of misinterpreting, I wanted to be as close as possible”justifies Agnès Naudin. “When I write, I have the impression of doing something useful, which will be useful to others. I did not see any elements in these details that could prejudice the investigation.“, she assures.

Except that the breach of professional secrecy does not depend on “the nature of the information” revealed, but “the function performed by the person who receives” information, recalls the prosecution for which any element, entrusted to a police officer, is subject to secrecy. “Being a police officer is beyond the job, it’s a state”abounds the president. “Unless you were brainwashed, how could you forget your quality when your book was edited and released?”

Before posting family affairsAgnès Naudin asked for the agreement of the people involved, changing the names and places of commission of the facts. “I would never have allowed myself” to publish otherwise, she assures. “Do you really think that a suspect in a criminal case, called by the captain in charge of his investigation still in progress, can give real consent?”challenges the prosecutor.

And what about hierarchical, judicial and police authorisation? Agnès Naudin claims to have alerted her superiors, in particular by sending a report in January 2018. “Everyone was informed, and if they didn’t respond, it was almost their fault, not his”, pleads his lawyer, Gérald Pandelon, stressing that the policewoman had not been sanctioned administratively and pleading the release. Judgment will be delivered on May 15.

When her book was released in 2018, the policewoman confided to the Figaro than his hierarchy, seemed more “more embarrassed to discover my private life than my view of the affairs revealed in the book.” Error of judgment on the part of Agnès Naudin, the confession of her investigations led her to court.

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