Polio is behind the declaration of a state of emergency in the US state of New York

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New York State declared a state of emergency in order to control the virus that causes polio

New York State declared a state of emergency after cases of the polio virus emerged and evidence that the virus is spreading throughout the state.

Health care officials said analysis of wastewater in New York City and four adjacent counties in the state confirmed the presence of the paralyzing virus.

Although there has been only one case in New York so far, it remains the first case to be detected in the country in nearly a decade.

The United States eradicated polio by using vaccinations against the virus that causes it, immunizations that began in the United States in 1955.

The United States was declared a polio-free country in 1979.

But New York officials stressed that the rate of distribution of vaccines against the virus is very low in parts of the state. By declaring an emergency, the authorities aim to strengthen immunization operations.

There is no cure for the virus that causes polio, but infection can be prevented by immunization against it. The virus, which often affects children, causes muscle weakness and paralysis. Serious injuries can often lead to permanent disability and death.

The New York Health Care Authority said it aims to increase immunization rates with anti-viral vaccines from the current level of 79 percent to 90 percent.

“With polio, we can’t leave anything to chance,” said Mary Bassett, state health commissioner. paralytic disease.”

She added, “For every case of polio that is discovered, there may be hundreds who have contracted the infection.”

The United States and the United Kingdom use a vaccine based on inactive polioviruses as part of their regular childcare programmes. Statistics indicate that about 93 percent of children have been immunized with at least three doses of the vaccine against this disease, according to data issued by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

New York health authorities began monitoring sewage in the state after discovering a case of an unvaccinated man in Rockland County, north of New York City, last July, the first case discovered in the country since 2013.

Then, authorities linked the infection to sewage samples from Nassau County last August.

The virus has also been found in wastewater samples in Orange and Sullivan counties as well as the five boroughs of New York State.

On Friday, New York State Governor Cathy Hocoll declared a state of emergency, which is imposed for the third time in the state this year, after decisions were issued to impose it to control the Corona virus and monkeypox.

Hokol’s decision will enable emergency health teams, midwives and pharmacists to join the network of workers immunizing with vaccines against the virus that causes paralysis.

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