Polisario regrets the long process of decolonization of the Sahara on the 63rd anniversary of the UN resolution

by time news

2023-12-15 03:21:47


The representative of the Polisario Front at the UN, Sidi Omar, assured this Thursday that the decolonization of the Sahara is “far” from being fulfilled despite the fact that the countries are celebrating the 63rd anniversary of resolution 1514 (adopted on December 14, 1960) of the UN General Assembly regarding the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples, known as the Magna Carta of Decolonization.

“The General Assembly recognized that subjecting people to slavery and foreign control constitutes a denial of fundamental Human Rights, contrary to the Charter of the United Nations and that hinders the cause of international peace and cooperation, and officially declared the need to put an end, quickly and unconditionally, to colonialism in all its forms and manifestations,” Omar declared in a statement published on her account on the social network X, formerly Twitter.

“On December 10, 2020, the General Assembly adopted resolution 75/123 in which it declared the period 2021-2030 the Fourth International Decade for the Elimination of Colonialism. However, colonization is still far from over,” he added. the Polisario representative.

In that sense, he has attacked Morocco for being the main obstacle to completing the decolonization process, although he has also criticized the “inaction of the international community.”

“Faced with the new aggression launched by the Moroccan occupying State, the Sahrawi people were forced once again to resume their legitimate struggle, which the General Assembly recognized and supported in its resolutions, including Resolution 2983 (XXVII), of 14 December 1972, in which the General Assembly asked all States to provide the Sahrawi people with all the moral and material assistance necessary in their struggle,” the statement reads.

Thus, he has urged the General Assembly to redouble its work to achieve a “peaceful and lasting” solution that ends colonialism in Western Sahara, something that Omar considers as “an indispensable requirement prior to the reestablishment of peace and stability.” in the north of Africa”.

Recently, the UN General Assembly approved numerous draft resolutions related to decolonization processes, such as the creation of information campaigns on this issue or to urge the administering powers to grant independence to colonial countries and peoples.

The territories considered colonial are Western Sahara, American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, French Polynesia, Guam, Montserrat, New Caledonia, Pitcairn, Saint Helena, Tokelau, Turks and Caicos Islands and Virgin Islands of the USA. Finally, the Assembly asked Spain and the United Kingdom to reach a solution regarding Gibraltar.

The former Spanish colony of Western Sahara was occupied by Morocco in 1975 despite the resistance of the Polisario Front, with whom it remained at war until 1991, when both parties signed a ceasefire with a view to holding a self-determination referendum, but The differences over the preparation of the census and the inclusion or not of Moroccan settlers have prevented it from being called so far.

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