Polite rendering or opportunity? The dilemma of the Arab parties visiting Biden

by time news

Like almost everything in the past year, US President Joe Biden’s visit has sparked controversy in Arab society, especially among Arab parties. , Which for the Palestinians brought great destruction and unprecedented isolation, not to mention the economic hardship the Palestinian Authority went through during the cessation of American aid. This attitude of the Palestinian leadership, of course, affects the attitude of the Arab political leadership in Israel.

“In a row” or “whitewashing the occupation”?

The joint list, which is known for its good relations with the PA, identifies with Abu Mazen’s heartfelt feelings. Together they see no line in Biden’s visit, quite the opposite. “This is another visit aimed at perpetuating the occupation and laundering it with less blatant expressions than those of Trump,” a senior party official said. In the USSR, unsurprisingly, the attitude is different. Atmosphere and positive expectations.

The controversy between RAAM and the joint is reflected this week at the U.S. President’s reception at the President’s House. MKs Ayman Odeh, Ahmad Tibi and Mansour Abbas received invitations to attend the ceremony. Abbas accepted the invitation and participated, while members of the joint did not respond to the invitation. Baram stated that Abbas’ presence symbolizes the party’s position, which attaches importance to the visit, which they claim creates a political horizon for the Palestinians in addition to opportunities for Arab society. The chairman of the joint list A false Israeli. “This meeting does not raise our issues or take them seriously so we did not take this invitation and did not participate,” Odeh said.

Intra-party gaps have become a policy

What began as minor gaps between the factions that made up the joint (and especially between Hadash and Ra’am) has deepened in the past year, and has turned from a gap into a policy. Ra’am in the Mansour Abbas era no longer sees normalization between Israel and the Gulf states as a betrayal of the Palestinian people, as Ra’am saw it when it was part of the common.

Mansour Abbas even openly says that he and his friends were wrong when they voted against Avraham’s agreements in the Knesset when they were a faction within the list. Abbas, which has previously refused to call Israel an apartheid state, unlike the position of its members in the Arab parties, is trying to open a door to a new era – not only in relation to the Arabs with their country, but also with the region and the United States. In recent months, the USSR has repeatedly asked Abbas to meet with Biden or another senior member of his delegation during the visit. To his credit, the people of Biden who came here for early coordination did not rule this out, and Ambassador Neidas even said in closed-door talks that it could promote the Arab-Jewish partnership in Israel in an unprecedented way, but such a meeting was not appropriate. RAAM’s disappointment is of course not adjusted in relation to Biden’s tight schedule, or the political timing in which he arrived.

In any case, there is no doubt that Biden’s visit is an opportunity for both the RAAM and the joint to differentiate themselves in our entry into the election period. High school. The joint venture, which is campaigning to prove to the Arab public that Abbas’ integration process has failed, fortifies its position with the Palestinian leadership and gambles that the policy led by RAAM will collapse and not yield results. To a fair political agreement with the Palestinians.The two bets are getting further and further away as the years go by.

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