Political column – COVID-19 is over.

by time news

I must say that during the past 3 years. people all over the world, including in Thailand China has been in a state of panic over the threat posed by the novel coronavirus 2019, which began with the first case in China’s Wuhan province. And after that, there was a rapid epidemic in every continent and every country in the world. Until it can be considered a serious epidemic that threatens the lives of many people. There are more than 680 million patients with this disease and more than 6.7 million deaths, or about 1 percent of patients. In Thailand, there are more than 4.7 million infected and symptomatic people admitted to hospitals or nursing homes, with a total of slightly more than 33,000 deaths.

The first strain of coronavirus 2019 to cause an outbreak has been named the Wuhan strain. Which to date, it is not known exactly how it happened. By the news that came out in the first phase It is thought to be caused by a virus that lives in bats and has mutated to infect humans. And many currents say it’s a virus developed by a group of humans. which hope for the result is unclear It would be something that had to be left a secret like this forever.

After the outbreak that started in China The Wuhan strain spread to all the aforementioned continents. And not long after, it began to mutate into various strains such as Delta strains. beta strain gamma strain and finally the omikron species. In which each species has not much difference in severity in the early stages But over time, especially after vaccine development began and vaccines were used to build up immunity against the severe symptoms that occurred in the respective infected individuals. It was found that the severity of symptoms that occurred in almost all species began to decrease. This includes omikron strains, which are still the most predominantly infected strains at this time. Until it should be time to tell that game over or translated into Thai that this disease is over, according to the words of Professor Dr. Yong Phuwarawan, a medical professor who specializes in viral diseases, who has played a role in The subject of education, research, and treatment, as well as the prevention of this disease that occurs in Thailand is enormous.

The latest information from the Ministry of Public Health about the number of people infected and having symptoms Including the number of people who have died most recently before this article was written. This is the data reported between 12-18 February last year. It was found that the number of infected people who had to be treated in hospitals across the country totaled 203 cases, or about 29 cases per day, with a total of 8 deaths, or an average of 1 case per day, which was considered very small and a number. that can be compared with patients infected with other viruses

will ask for permission to use the words posted on Facebook on February 20 by Professor Dr. Yong Phuwarawan, in which the professor used the word game over of COVID-19 as follows

As has been said in the past, it can be seen that the truth has begun to appear evident

1. The virus evolves to survive. Therefore, the virus will adapt to reduce its severity to coexist with the host. The severity of COVID-19 Therefore, it has always decreased from a high mortality rate of 3-5 percent until now it should be less than 0.1 percent, like influenza.

2. Diseases with high severity, such as Ebola, Marburg, Lassa, are unlikely to spread all over the world. As opposed to low-severe diseases such as influenza, COVID-19 can spread across the world.

3. Each type of vaccine is different. Highly immunogenic mRNA vaccines have been called for, and trial results are short-lived. Only short-term effectiveness After long-term follow-up, immunity quickly declines and is unable to prevent infection. If you look at the death rates of each country and the vaccines being injected, it becomes clear. When the majority of the population was infected, the mortality rate in countries that received pure mRNA injections was not lower than in countries that did not. Therefore, in the past, there was no Thep vaccine. Currently, many companies have reduced production or stopped producing vaccines.

4. The epidemic has calmed down now. because most of the population has already been infected Each country believes that more than 70 percent of the cases have been infected, thus causing the outbreak to subside.

5. Immunity arising from infection with vaccination will be relatively complete and long-lasting immunity. Compared to vaccine-induced immunity alone

6. The direction of the outbreak when the disease enters the seasonal disease. Seasonal outbreaks are like influenza. or general respiratory disease

7. The need for future vaccines will be similar to that of influenza. will focus only on risk groups who are infected and have severe symptoms In healthy people who have been infected before, even if they are re-infected, the symptoms will not be severe.

8. Solution to epidemic problems If we could go back in time, we should use the body of knowledge to create the body of knowledge. Rather than following trends or pressure from social media.

9. This year, it must be considered game over, believing that the World Health Organization will stop counting numbers. Because of the figures reported by the World Health Organization and of all countries. The infection is much lower than it actually is. And everything will be in a surveillance phase and the outbreak is seasonal.

10. For Thailand, as I have said since the end of the year that From February onwards, the disease will calm down. and will meet again in June to September and after that it calmed down into a seasonal epidemic cycle.

All 10 points are conclusions about COVID during the past 3 years, which can be considered a conclusion. that is very helpful

There may be questions as to when COVID-19 is over, will vaccination still be necessary? I can answer that this disease still exists. Just reduce the severity and outbreaks will occur seasonally. For those who are at risk, known as the 608 group, booster dose vaccination every 6 months is still considered a good practice. and may include all medical personnel as well In the general population If a person is in good health May receive 1 dose of vaccination per year, except during periods of additional outbreaks. may need to be vaccinated as well including in other groups

As for wearing a hygienic mask When COVID-19 become a seasonal disease Wearing a mask can relax you. But if going to be in a large group of people, wearing a mask is still useful. But what should happen in the future? is a person who is sick with respiratory disease A mask should always be worn when near other people or in public. to prevent the spread of germs to others

The COVID-19 disease that will cause a pandemic is definitely over. But things are about to begin in Thailand. and will be a very strong current Is the new election of members of the House of Representatives which should happen within this May It can be seen that each political party began to campaign fully by announcing a policy that is thought to be a selling point which some of the policies announced Many things are improbable. Therefore, it is hoped that most people will use wisdom to consider whether to believe or not believe And which political party should be chosen to be the main person in the administration of the country in the future? in the hope that it will be a government that is honest and will do everything for the benefit of the people as a whole Cut off all matters that are beneficial to oneself or one’s party. which should be of great benefit to the nation

Dr. Piya Netwichian, M.D.

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