Political Crisis Brews Over Prisoner Conditions: Netanyahu and Ben Gvir Clash

by time news

Title: Otzma Yehudit Threatens to Withhold Coalition Support Unless Prisoner Conditions Improve

Subtitle: Prime Minister Netanyahu and National Security Minister Ben Gabir face tense discussions over prisoners’ rights

Date: [Insert Date]

Jerusalem, [Insert Date] – A seemingly jovial coalition formation quickly turned sour when National Security Minister Ben Gabir whispered a threatening message into Prime Minister Netanyahu’s ear. The message conveyed a firm demand for a significant reform in the conditions of terrorists in prison, warning that Otzma Yehudit, Gabir’s party, would withhold support in government and Knesset votes until the issue was addressed.

Earlier today, during a factional meeting held by Otzma Yehudit, Minister Ben Gabir emphasized the party’s uncompromising stance on prisoner conditions. Highlighting his position and authority, Gabir stated that it was a “fundamental demand” for Otzma Yehudit to end the camp policy and the rule of terrorists in prison.

In contrast to Gabir’s position, the political-security cabinet gathered yesterday morning and decided against changing the conditions of security prisoners, opting to revisit the issue after the Tishrei holidays. This decision contradicted Otzma Yehudit’s expectations and intensified the already heated debate surrounding prisoner rights.

In a statement issued after the cabinet debate, Otzma Yehudit confirmed their intention to hold a special debate following the cabinet’s decision. Their statement criticized Prime Minister Netanyahu for opposing any worsening of terrorist conditions, insisting on maintaining the current situation where they enjoy extreme privileges.

During the contentious discussion, several noteworthy quotes captured the intense exchange of opinions:
– The ombudsman in Rabbi Miara initiated the need for the cabinet to discuss the matter due to its security and political significance, asserting that “it will be discussed in the cabinet and not according to the minister’s decision.”
– Minister Ben Gabir defended his stance, stating that his recommendation was advisory in nature and not a final decision.
– Advocate Gali Beharve-Miara highlighted the binding nature of the law, stating that rules should not supersede it.
– Minister Ben Gabir refocused attention on Prime Minister Netanyahu, accusing him of previously promising a change in the prisoners’ situation. He expressed concerns that delays would continue even after the holidays and called for a decisive resolution.
– In response, Prime Minister Netanyahu assured that the matter would be discussed after the holidays.
– Minister Ben Gabir expressed frustration, suggesting that the professional authorities may claim it is still not the right time even after the holidays, causing the issue to persist. He reminded the Prime Minister of their agreement not to back down and urged a prompt decision with Hanukkah approaching.

The escalating tensions surrounding prisoner conditions and the potential consequences for the governing coalition have now become a pressing concern. As both sides dig in their heels, the future of the coalition and the resolution to the prisoners’ demands remain uncertain.

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