political news of the week

by time news

After following the presidential election campaign on a daily basis, The world gives you an appointment every Friday, at 6 p.m., to continue to follow political news.

  • News of the week. The end of the legislative campaign marked by a confrontation over the police

Sometimes all it takes is a short message to start a long quarrel. By writing, Monday, June 6 on Twitter, that “the police tue”, in reaction to the death of a woman following a roadside check in Paris, Jean-Luc Mélenchon drew a lot of criticism. Between the majority and the New People’s Ecological and Social Union (Nupes), the ensuing skirmish made it possible to divide in a sluggish campaign.

“I find it very shocking the way Jean-Luc Mélenchon systematically attacks the police with totally outrageous remarks”, attacked Elisabeth Borne on Tuesday on France Bleu. For the Prime Minister, “we can’t have (…) a presumption of guilt vis-à-vis the police”. Emmanuel Macron himself responded to his opponent on Thursday while he was in the Tarn, saying he did not accept “that we insult those who risk their lives to protect ours”.

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The extreme right has not been more stingy with reproaches. “I am ashamed of this political class which attacks the police and the gendarmes”launched Guillaume Peltier (Reconquest!), During the great debate organized Thursday evening by France 2. On the same set, Jordan Bardella, the acting president of the National Rally, asked Adrien Quatennens, deputy La France insoumise, this question provocative: “So the police have to get run over?” »

The words of Jean-Luc Mélenchon did not convince everyone on the left either. Obviously the socialists opposed to the agreement with LFI, including ex-minister Stéphane Le Foll, who judged his remarks “unworthy”. But also Fabien Roussel, yet a partner of Mr. Mélenchon in the New Popular Ecological and Social Union. “I will never mix things up by saying that the police kill,” assured the Communist on Friday.

The main interested party remains straight in his boots. “I get what I want” he rejoiced on Tuesday, on France Inter, to know that “thousands of people hear that there is at least one person in this country, a politician, who does not accept the evolution of the use of police force as it is today defined by the political power that commands. »

  • The constituency. In the 3rd of Moselle, difficult to interest voters
Marie-Jo Zimmermann (Horizons), campaigning for the legislative elections, in Metz, on June 8.

François Hollande was in Moselle, Wednesday, June 8, to support those who are called here the “Three Musketeers” – the socialist dissidents of the party’s agreement with the New Popular, Ecological and Social Union (Nupes). In addition to that of the socialist pretender, there are, among the fourteen candidates of the 3e constituency, two candidacies on the far right, with the National Rally (RN) and Reconquête!, a candidacy from the right and the center, and three others who claim to belong to the presidential majority.

This multicolored starting line does not promote readability for voters. “I think they will be lost in front of the polling station”, predicts Françoise Grolet, the candidate of the RN. Richard Lioger, the outgoing deputy (La République en Marche) invested by Together!, thus opted, on his electoral poster, for a photo with Emmanuel Macron and a tablet of his deputy with Edouard Philippe, in order to dispel doubts. .

“Most people don’t know which constituency they’re voting inregrets Charlotte Leduc, the candidate Nupes-La France insoumise, novice in politics. We do popular education and we help them to [s’]register on the electoral lists, it is not up to us to do so…”

Read the rest of this report by clicking here

(Charles Edouard Ama Koffi, Moselle, special correspondent)

  • The image. Emmanuel Macron inaugurates a “solidarity dojo”
Emmanuel Macron, during the inauguration of a

The Head of State was able to admire a demonstration of breakdance, Wednesday, June 8, as part of the inauguration of a « solidarity dojo » in Clichy-sous-Bois (Seine-Saint-Denis). During this trip, Emmanuel Macron insisted on the importance of sport for young people, especially in working-class neighborhoods, announcing the extension of the system « Pass sport », an allowance of 50 euros for the acquisition of a sports license. The Clichy-sous-Bois dojo is part of the plan “5,000 sports fields”announced in October 2021, which provides for the development of five thousand local sports facilities, on the horizon of the 2024 Olympic Games, for 200 million euros.

“It was clearly a small maneuver. » Jean-Luc Mélenchon, on June 7, with the Monde

The main architect of the New People’s Ecological and Social Union (Nupes) was pleased that the Council of State had ordered the Ministry of the Interior, on Tuesday June 7, to take Nupes into consideration as “a political nuance in its own right” during the legislative. Until then, the authorities intended to distinguish the results of its four components (La France insoumise, Europe Ecologie-Les Verts, the Socialist Party and the French Communist Party), on the main reason that they are not attached to a funding body. unique.

“The arguments of the majority were very superficial. We were quite confident, but, in the context, it’s still a breath of fresh air. It was clearly a small maneuver, sanctioned by the Council of State “said Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

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On the same day, however, the Socialist Party received bad news due to the decision of the Créteil court, which canceled the party’s validation of the rally agreement with La France insoumise within the framework of Nupes. The judgment considers that the party leadership should have organized a national convention, which includes a consultation of militants, and gave it thirty days to do so.

The legal and political news has definitely been busy this week: a dispute opposes the environmental movement Together! to the coalition of Macronist parties, which bears the same name. What sow doubt in the minds of voters, according to the left movement, which had seized the Paris court. The latter ruled, on the contrary, that there was no likelihood of confusion, and ordered the applicants to pay 8,000 euros to the opposing party.


This is the number of constituencies, among the eleven of French people living abroad, in which the presidential majority came first in the first round, Sunday June 5 – expatriates voted a week before the rest of the voters. In ten constituencies, the candidates of La République en Marche (LRM) and that of the MoDem will face competitors from the New Popular, Ecological and Social Union (Nupes).

The presidential camp experienced a major setback with the elimination of Manuel Valls in the 5e constituency (Iberian Peninsula). The seat is not necessarily lost, however, because the second round will see Renaud Le Berre (Nupes) and Stéphane Vojetta, the outgoing deputy (LRM) who maintained a dissenting candidacy against the former Prime Minister. Mr. Vojetta said he remained a supporter of Emmanuel Macron and wanted to rejoin the party, from which he was excluded, if he were to win the second round.

  • The day when… In June 2007, Léon Bertrand (UMP) campaigned in Guyana
“Le Monde” archive of June 6, 2007.

Airplane, helicopter, canoe… In 2007, all these means of transport were needed to campaign in the 2e constituency of Guyana (since re-divided), then the largest in France: 80,000 square kilometers, i.e. the total area of ​​the department, minus the two towns of Cayenne and Macouria. This means the Creole towns on the coast as well as the villages in the interior, populated by Bushinengues (descendants of slaves from black Africa), Amerindians or Hmong from Indochina.

This June 7, 2007, Léon Bertrand (Union for a popular movement, UMP), elected in 2002, backpacks on his land. He left his costume of Minister Delegate for Tourism in the government of Dominique de Villepin for fatigue pants and a black shirt. He is more at ease in the greenery and sweltering heat of French Guiana than in Paris: “It’s very nice not to wear a tie every day and not to be followed by a security officer! »he tells our reporter Xavier Ternisien.

It is necessary to take the helicopter to go to Trois-Sauts, hamlet of Camopi, at the south-eastern end of Guyana. There, Mr. Bertrand has a lot to do to fight the ” lies “ : no, he assures us, the Head of State, Nicolas Sarkozy, does not intend to abolish the minimum integration income (RMI), any more than chasing foreigners.

The inhabitants of Camopi ask for few things: a bakery, a grocery store. In the meantime, the candidate did not come empty-handed. He brought jerseys for the football team and baguettes. “You, you came to see us, congratulates the deputy mayor, Charles Messo. I don’t want to vote for people I don’t know. » Before the election, “I will talk to people”, he reassures him. Perhaps he did not do enough: in the second round, Mr. Bertrand was beaten by the left-wing candidate, Chantal Berthelot.

End of campaign. The official campaign before the first round of the legislative elections ends on the night of Friday to Saturday. From midnight, and until 8 p.m. Sunday, the candidates can no longer be heard. The vote will be open on Saturday in Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique, Saint-Barthélemy, Saint-Martin and Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon. In addition, since Friday noon, French people living abroad can already vote for the second round in their constituencies, by Internet and by correspondence.

Voting Sunday. The first round is organized on Sunday June 12 in metropolitan France. Polling stations will be open in principle from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., or even until 8 p.m. in major cities. The world will follow the election day and evening live, with its reporters in the field and its specialists in Paris.

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