Political reactions to the new parity law on the eve of 8M

by time news

One day after the Prime Minister announced the approval of a law on parity between men and women in political spaces and in large companies, the different leaders of the rest of the parties have responded to this new measure.

He People’s Party consider the law “an occurrence“that Sánchez has taken” from the drawer of the propaganda“. “What do we do in those places where there are more than 50% women? Do we have to get out of there?”, asked Cuca Gamarra, in a pre-campaign act today in Teruel.

The general secretary of the PP has proposed applying this criterion of parity to reduce the number of charges in the Minister council. Beginning, she says, with Irene Montero. “Spanish women do not deserve to see it continue to be Minister of Equality. Not only has he not apologized, but he is also going to oppose the reform of the ‘only yes is yes’ Law.”

From citizens argue that in order to achieve equal opportunities it is not enough just to meet quotas. And they defend that “advance is made with effective policies, not with slogans” or “behind a banner”, as explained by the party’s spokesperson, Patricia Guasp, in Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

More critical of the new measure has been the president of Vox. Also from Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Santiago Abascal has stated, with ironythat it is “a brilliant idea to solve the problem of women”, and has described it as a cover for “hide” that the government “has put the street rapists“, also referring to the Law of ‘only yes is yes’.

For his part, today PSOE has returned to defend, because they say it will guarantee economic and political equality. Even for “those parties that do not believe in equality“, who will have to “put, through their noses”, women in their electoral lists, as expressed by the Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, in a pre-campaign act in Osuna (Seville).

Today from We can They have not expressed their opinion, but yesterday Irene Montero assured that the priority of her party “is not that a few women manage to burst the glass ceilings”, but that “to the last woman, the most crushedit can be lifted off the ground.”

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