Political-security cabinet to be convened by Prime Minister following missile barrages in the north.

by time news

At 16:15, 30 missiles were launched towards Western Galilee, with five landing in Israeli territory. At 15:52, the Prime Minister’s Office announced that a security cabinet meeting would be held later that evening. At 15:45, MDA medics treated a 19-year-old man for minor injuries to his limbs, a 60-year-old woman for slight injuries on her way to a protected area, and several anxiety victims. Al Jazeera reported that Israel was attacking the area where the rockets were launched, but the IDF spokesman denied this. As of 15:40, around 13 missiles had been launched from Lebanon into the Western Galilee. In Karmiel, public shelters were opened and the mayor urged residents to be vigilant. At 15:30, a 26-year-old man was brought to the Galilee Medical Center with minor injuries from shrapnel. An alert was activated in Shlomi and Batza, and one missile launch was successfully intercepted by the Air Defense Fighters. Netanyahu and the Defense Minister were both updated and are conducting a situation assessment. The MDA has reinforced its forces and set its alert level to 3. Yesterday and the day before, there were clashes on the Temple Mount, leading to condemnations from several countries, while the European Union called for preserving the status quo.


30 launches were made towards the Western Galilee, 5 drops in Israeli territory.


The Prime Minister’s Office stated: “The Prime Minister will convene the political-security cabinet this evening after the assessment of the situation has been completed.”


Following the alarms that were heard in the Western Galilee: MDA medics and paramedics provide medical treatment and refer to the Galilee Medical Center in Nahariya a 19-year-old young man in a minor condition with injuries to his limbs. In addition, MDA teams treated a 60-year-old woman who was slightly injured on her way to the protected area and a number of anxiety victims.

MDA paramedic Oriya Kurtz said: “When we arrived at the scene, we saw a 19-year-old man fully conscious with an injury to his hand. We were told that he was injured while he was in the vehicle and they moved him to a protected area. We gave him initial medical treatment and cleared him for further tests at the hospital when his condition is mild.”


Al Jazeera reported that Israel is attacking the area from which the rockets were launched. But the IDF spokesman clarified that despite the reports in Lebanon, Israel has not yet attacked in response to the shooting.

So far, about 13 missiles have been launched from Lebanon to the Western Galilee region.

In Karmiel they opened the public shelters. Mayor Karmiel Moshe Koninski, is in the municipality’s emergency room being updated and at the same time instructed the security and emergency department in the municipality to open the public shelters. Mayor Moshe Koninski: “In the last hour we have witnessed missile strikes on the northern border. Currently there are no specific instructions that are correct for Karmiel, but in view of the situation, I have ordered the opening of the public shelters. I call on the public to be vigilant and to be attentive to the instructions of the Home Front Command.”


A 26-year-old man was brought to the Galilee Medical Center, who was slightly injured by shrapnel while riding a two-wheeled vehicle in an open area. The injured, a resident of Jet Yanoh, is undergoing tests in the emergency room.

MDA teams take care of a 60-year-old woman who was slightly injured on the way to a protected area, today / photo: MDA spokespersons


An alert was activated a short time ago (Thursday) in Shlomi and Batza, and explosions were heard in the Nahariya area. The IDF spokeswoman stated that one launch was detected from Lebanese territory to Israeli territory and was successfully intercepted by the air defense fighters. Residents of the area reported the echoes of strong explosions. Alarms are now being heard throughout the Upper Galilee and the area of ​​the conflict line, among others in Abirim, Natua, Psuta, Shumara, Shtula , Paki’in and Tsuriel. The residents of the Western Galilee were asked to stay near the protected areas.

Netanyahu’s office stated that the Prime Minister is regularly updated on the security events and will conduct a situation assessment with the heads of the security establishment.

Defense Minister Yoav Galant stated that he is updated on the details of the security events in the north, and has given initial instructions to the Chief of Staff and the security establishment. The Minister of Defense will soon hold a special situation assessment with senior members of the defense establishment.

MDA spokesman, Zachi Heller, said: A man was slightly injured by shrapnel, a woman was injured on the way to the protected area, and another woman suffered an anxiety attack. According to Heller, the alert level has been raised to level 3, and MDA forces are being reinforced with medics and paramedics all over the country.

Two launches from the Gaza Strip into Israel were detected last night. One launch landed in the Gaza Strip and another launched in the area of ​​the border fence. According to the IDF spokesman, as a result of the launches, an alert was activated in the Home Front Command application in an open area only. This morning, red alarms were heard in the regional council from areas in the western Negev.

Yesterday and the day before yesterday there were clashes between worshipers on the Temple Mount and the police. Egypt, Bahrain, Jordan, Turkey and Saudi Arabia published condemnations against Israel. The European Union called for preserving the status quo instead: “The European Union is closely monitoring the course of events in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories,” announced the spokesman of the Union.

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