“Politics pushes prevention and advanced digital health”

by time news

2023-06-08 15:06:00

In a progressively and rapidly aging country like Italy, politics must be able to direct social-health services and chronic care assistance towards ever more advanced forms of digital healthcare. In particular, it is now necessary to close the phase of experiments and pilot projects in the field of telemedicine, to plan and implement large-scale tele-assistance, tele-consultation and tele-rehabilitation programs supported by adequate digital networks made available to the Local Health Authorities by the state and the regions. capable of self-feeding each citizen’s electronic health record, which will allow health professionals to access all the information on the patient’s health at any time”. He said it Ugo Cappellacci (FI), president of the Social Affairs Commission of the Chamberspeech at the second edition of the Talkin’ Minds event “From demography to the economy: the role of life sciences for Italy”, organized by AstraZeneca today in Rome under the patronage of Farmindustria and Federated Innovation.

Healthcare, according to Cappellacci, “must enter citizens’ homes with tools capable of monitoring parameters for which it is not strictly necessary to go to the hospital or to your doctor after the first visit to take charge”. To do this it is “necessary to prepare real operating rooms upstream – he underlines – managed by the various specialists to decongest improper access to the emergency room and reduce outpatient waiting lists: I am thinking of the opportunities that open up for diabetic, oncological, cardiac or post-stroke, but also tele-dermatology and rehabilitation, just to name a few concrete examples”.

Help comes from technology that “already offers innovative ways – he remarks – to monitor the health of patients remotely and recalibrate therapies in real time based on the needs of the moment, in the perspective of true personalized and precision medicine, which can also be carried out at the time of the first contact with the patient through genetic and biochemical tests able to have a high predictive value of the individual response to the various possibilities of treatment or therapeutic targets” .

Our country from a strategic point of view can and must focus on quality of life and longevity as an element of development and value – says Cappellacci – and this goal can only be achieved if we invest in the quality of health and care. After the difficult moment of the pandemic emergency, during which we experienced how important it is to have a solid health system, it is time to face the challenge of longevity in our favor, leveraging the importance of prevention, particularly in the field oncology, through screening programs aimed at early management and greater therapeutic appropriateness”.

Finally, “we are called to make an effort for better training and information on the adoption of healthy lifestyles – concludes the parliamentarian – starting from the fight against smoking and the correct food choices, up to the practice of a regular activity physics”.

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