Poll: Bennett-Lapid coalition crashes; Netanyahu takes off

by time news

Knitted News24.03.22 20:11 21 Adar 2 Tishpev

Poll: Bennett-Lapid coalition crashes;  Netanyahu takes off

(Photo: Danny Shem Tov, Knesset Spokeswoman)

On the anniversary of the election, a new poll shows that if the election had taken place today, the Bennett-Lapid coalition would not have been able to form a government.

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According to a poll conducted by the Direct Falls Institute for Channel 14, if the election had been held today, the map of the distribution of seats would have looked like this:

Likud – 36. There is a future – 18. Shas – 9. Religious Zionism – 8. Blue and white – 8. Torah Judaism – 7. Labor – 7. Yisrael Beiteinu – 7.

From Amit Segal’s Facebook account. archives

The survey also shows that the joint list – 7. March – 5. RAAM – 4. Right – 4.

Gideon Saar’s ‘New Hope’ party receives only 2.80% and does not pass the blocking percentage.

According to the division into blocs: Opposition parties – 60 seats. Coalition parties – 53 seats. The joint list – 7 seats.

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