Poll: Bennett strengthens seats, but does the coalition have a majority to form a government?

by time news

How did the war in Ukraine affect the political situation in Israel? According to a poll published tonight (Tuesday) in News 12, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and his party are enjoying a strengthening of the seat map, possibly as a result of Bennett’s mediation efforts between Russia and Ukraine.

According to the poll, about 41% of the public think that Prime Minister Bennett should have taken over the mediation between Russia and Ukraine, while 44% said no. 60% of coalition voters support Bennett’s mediation compared to 23% of coalition voters, while 62% of opposition voters believe Bennett should not have taken on the role of mediator, and 15% of all respondents said they did not know what they thought.

The survey also examined the issue of refugees from Ukraine and Israeli policy in their case. 25% of respondents answered that Israel should include only those entitled to the Law of Return, 24% support the quotas set by the government while 24% of respondents answered that Israel should include more refugees than the quota set in the government decision. 13% answered that Israel should admit refugees without restriction.

Another issue examined was the degree of public identification with the diplomatic position adopted by the government. The results show that the majority of the public, 53% of the respondents, support the current Israeli position, which identifies with Ukraine but does not condemn Russia and believes that it is correct for Israel.

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On the other hand, 25% of the respondents answered that Israel should identify more with Ukraine, most of them voters from the coalition parties. Only 6% answered that Israel should identify less with Ukraine, and 16% did not express a position on the issue.

The survey also examined the political situation and its results indicate a slight change in the map of seats. If the election had been held today, the Likud would have strengthened its seat to 34 seats, while there is a falling future in the seat to 17 seats and Shas the third largest party with 9 seats.

The right is strengthened by two seats for the first time in a long time and rises to 7 seats, while blue and white weakens and falls by two seats compared to the previous poll and receives 7 seats. Labor, religious Zionism and Torah Judaism remain stable with 7 seats each. Closes the list Yisrael Beiteinu and the joint list with 6 seats each, RAAM with 5 seats and Meretz and Tikva Hadash with 4 seats each.

There was a slight change in the map of seats: 57 seats for the coalition parties, 57 for the opposition parties and 6 for the joint list.

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