Poll: Right-wing bloc on 62 mandates; Gantz attacked Netanyahu – surfers mocked • Watch

by time news

Photo: The State Camp

A new mandate survey published this evening (Sunday) on ‘Channel 14’, and conducted by the polling institute Direct Falls headed by Shlomo Filber, shows that the assessments of the political commentators after the closing of the lists, were correct. At midnight last Thursday, a drama took place in the Knesset’s corridors, with the split of the joint list of Hadash and Tal to separate, and Bald to separate. Now it turns out that this brings the victory to the right-wing bloc.

According to the poll this evening, Benjamin Netanyahu is again the Prime Minister of Israel, after a break of a year and a half. Likud climbs back to 34 seats, Yesh Atid 22, the State Front 13, the Religious Zionist 12, Shas 9, Torah Judaism 7, Yisrael Beitenu 6, Havoda 5, Meretz 4, Hadash-Ta’al 4 and Ram 4. The Jewish Home 2.2%, Balad 1.6%. The poll shows that the Netanyahu bloc has 62 mandates, the current coalition bloc 54, and Hadash-Ta’al 4.

At the same time, the state camp released a reaction video this evening to the election video they released in Likud, but those surfing the social network mocked the chairman of the party, Defense Minister Benny Gantz. In the video, the state camp mocks the fact that Netanyahu promised to topple the rule of Hamas while in practice the terrorist organization continued to launch rockets, but a check by netizens revealed that the rockets in question were launched while Gantz was the Chief of Staff, in Operation “Stonewall”.

In the video of the state camp, the narrator says in the background, that “the year is 2009, Bibi promises to overthrow the rule of Hamas.” In Netanyahu’s sync, the former prime minister is seen saying, “We will topple the terror regime of Hamas, we will restore security to the cities of the south.” The narrator continues, following the fact that the rockets continued to arrive from Gaza, that “the people of Israel will go to the polls and put an end to this nonsense, only Benny Gantz can bring stability to Israel.” However, as mentioned, the rockets in the video were launched while Gantz himself served as Chief of Staff in the “Tzuk Eitan” operation, in 2014.

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