Poll: The coalition is diving; Ben Gvir soared and how much was Shikli worth

by time news

Knitted News27.05.22 08:04 26 Bayer Tishpev

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Poll: The coalition is diving;  Ben Gvir soared and how much was Shikli worth

(Photo: Jonathan Zindel / Flash 90)

A poll by the Panels Politics Institute for the Jerusalem Post, in collaboration with Maariv, shows that coalition parties continue to lose ground, while the opposition is within touching distance of achieving the 61st seat.

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According to the survey, if the elections had been held today, the map for the distribution of seats would have looked like this: the Likud – 35. Yesh Atid – 20, Religious Zionism – 9, Shas – 8. Blue and white – 8. Labor – 7. Torah Judaism – 7 The joint list – 7. Right – 6. Yisrael Beiteinu – 5. New hope and RAAM on the verge of the blocking percentage with seats only.

The Meretz party, led by Nitzan Horowitz, is unable to pass the blocking percentage and receives only 2.6%.

According to the division into blocs: Netanyahu’s bloc – 59. The coalition bloc – 54. The joint list – 7.

According to the poll, a list that unites the right-wing parties, New Hope and Yisrael Beiteinu receives 12 seats, less than the three receive separately.

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The survey examined the scenario of an independent run by Itamar Ben Gvir, Bezalel Smutrich and Amichai Shikli. According to the poll, a Jewish power party led by Itamar Ben Gvir receives 6 seats in such a scenario. Religious Zionism led by Bezalel Smutrich receives 5 seats. According to the poll, Amichai Shikli’s new party does not pass the blocking percentage.

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