Poll: “tomato”, “potato” or simply “hole”?

by time news

2024-01-11 12:01:28

Everyone has favorite socks: those that bring you luck, those that your grandmother knitted for you, those with funny drawings or the most comfortable ones in your closet. However, socks, like everything, are not eternal and sometimes, when they are already very worn, annoying holes appear that remind us that it is time to buy new ones.

We start the new year by asking our followers Instagram because of the name they give to this tear that is usually done in this article of clothing. The majority response was tomatofollowed by papa (o potato), seven, hole o inside.

Most survey participants call it tomato. Other proposals were papa (o potato), seven o gap

Although the voice that describes it most transparently is hole (‘more or less rounded opening in a thing’), it is curious that the two most commented words in the survey are so far from the semantic field of feet. He Dictionary of the Spanish language collect tomato with the meaning, among others, of ‘torn or hole made in a knitted garment, such as a stocking, sock, glove, etc.’. He also proposes some synonyms like papamore common in American Spanish whose version in European Spanish is potato. We do not know the origin of the use of these two expressions, but it seems that they are intended to reflect, metaphorically, the shape, and the color in the case of the finger that turns red due to pressure, the toe that peeks out the hole. Another option that those who responded to the survey proposed was sevenalthough this term refers rather to an angled tear, and not to a circle.

Finally, we want to remember that these surveys only serve to give us more information about what word is used by people who dare to participate and that they have no scientific purpose.

The post Survey: “tomato”, “potato” or simply “hole”? first appeared on FundéuRAE.

#Poll #tomato #potato #simply #hole

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