Poll: “zenith”, “zenith”, “zenith” or “zenith”?

by time news

2023-08-24 18:07:35

In Spanish there are numerous terms that can be written in various ways: bechamel y inseminated, sticking plaster y tapeo elixir y elixir. However, it is rare to find a voice that has up to four valid spellings. that’s the word cenitthe protagonist of our latest survey.

zenith/zenith received 41% of the votes, while 11% of those consulted opted for zenith/zenith. 48% voted that they are all valid

The surveys we conducted in our Instagram account they usually face two words that, in general, are used interchangeably to refer to the same reality. Last week, however, there were more than two options that we proposed to our followers. The proposals were zenith/zenithwhich received 41% of the votes; zenith/zenithwith 11%, and all are validwinning answer with 48%.

To allude to the “intersection of the vertical of a place with the celestial sphere, above the observer’s head” or to the “high point or peak moment of someone or something”, the Dictionary of the Spanish language collect cenitas the main motto, although he points out that the spellings cenit, zenit y zenith. He Panhispanic dictionary of doubts explains that, although in the educated standard the spelling with ce and pronounced acute is preferred, The plain form written with tilde (cenit). However, he adds that the zeta options are not as common and therefore less preferable.

Therefore, although the four voices are documented, those that are written with ce are the recommended ones.

These surveys do not have a scientific purpose, but they help us to know what terms or expressions are used by the speakers who are encouraged to participate. Once again we want to thank our followers for the answers and we invite you to give your opinion in the next ones that we will launch.

The post Encuesta: ¿«cenit», «cénit», «zenit» o «zénit»? first appeared on FundéuRAE.

#Poll #zenith #zenith #zenith #zenith

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