Pollutants found in breast milk, doctors’ advice to mothers

by time news

2023-11-09 17:19:57

Chemical contaminants in breast milk. For the first time, Italian researchers have found traces of pollutants in the breast milk and urine of 650 mother-child pairs. Therefore, after having traced microplastics in mothers’ milk in the past, now it was the turn of numerous chemical contaminants, with potentially greater risks to the health of particularly vulnerable children. From phthalates present in plastic food packaging to bisphenol A, currently banned, present in disposable plastic tableware and body cleansers, from glyphosates, used as pesticides, to parabens contained in cosmetics: these are endocrine disruptors – chemicals that alter the hormonal system causing greater risk of obesity, precocious puberty, diabetes and neurobehavioral disorders in childhood – found in breast milk.

The pollutants were ‘found’ by an Italian study, financed by the EU and still ongoing, coordinated by the University of Parma in collaboration with the AUSL-Irccs of Reggio Emilia and the universities of Florence and Cagliari, which is evaluating the effects of endocrine disruptors on neurodevelopment and infant growth, analyzing in particular breast milk. The preliminary results of the study were discussed at the congress of the Italian Society of Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetology (Siedp), from which the experts called to avoid unnecessary alarmism which could push thousands of mothers to prefer alternative methods to breastfeeding, which remains however, by far the best food for babies.

“The discovery of numerous contaminants in breast milk, in addition to microplastics, increases our concern for the population of extremely vulnerable newborns because exposure to these particles is inevitable, given their omnipresence in the environment – declares Mariacarolina Salerno, president of the congress , and director of the Endocrinological Pediatrics Unit of the Department of Translational Medical Sciences of the Federico II University of Naples – However, these results should not trigger alarmism: breastfeeding is beneficial for the health and growth of the child and not it must be suspended but protected, preventing exposure to endocrine disruptors and acting on the nutritional habits and lifestyle of women during pregnancy and breastfeeding”.

“The first part of the research was concerned with analyzing and measuring the concentration levels of endocrine disruptors in breast milk in 654 mother-child pairs, from birth to the first year of life – declares Maria Elisabeth Street, partner of the study and associate professor of Pediatrics at the University of Parma -. The data show the presence of phthalates in up to 70% of breast milk samples and up to 96% of newborn urine samples. High levels of bisphenol A, currently banned, were also found in milk maternal milk up to 44% of the samples, with a presence of up to 14% in the urine of children. Lower presence percentages of 18% of the samples for glufosinates and glyphosates. Breast milk was also contaminated by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, up to 6%, parabens and pyrethroids in 2.4% of the samples”.

“We must consider that the contaminants in breast milk which are always co-present, interact with each other and can cause potentially greater harmful consequences in later stages of life – adds Street -. The exceeding of these values ​​indicates that the importance of understanding the impact of endocrine disruptors via breast milk on the growth of the child in order to develop specific actions to reduce exposure, as a food of excellence particularly susceptible to contamination. To this end we would like to advise pregnant women to pay more attention and avoid foods and beverages packaged in plastic, cosmetics and toothpastes containing microplastics, and clothing made from synthetic fabrics.”

Here are the Siedp recommendations to reduce the exposure of women during pregnancy and breastfeeding to endocrine disruptors: Limit the use of single-use plastic and the use of non-certified baby bottles; Limit the use of plastic containers for storing and heating food; If possible, do not use solvents, pesticides, herbicides and fungicides and possibly use protective devices during their use; For personal hygiene and cosmetics use natural products; Rinse canned fruits and vegetables thoroughly before consumption; Preferably consume fresh, seasonal foods; Follow a varied diet with foods from different suppliers; Choose clothing with natural fabrics.

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