Polycystic ovary 7 ways to lower your androgen and testosterone levels

by time news

He polycystic ovary syndrome It affects thousands of women, but how to lower androgen and testosterone levels, which disturbs not only the body and the way of thinking. SLIDE the main photo and discover the shapes.

“Diagnosis: polycystic ovary”. Whether you’ve heard these words or not, here’s what they stand for: irregular periods, excess androgen (severe acne, hair loss and hair everywhere), and ovaries that are enlarged or have follicles around them. Basically a nightmare of course if you don’t treat it or keep your Hormone levels under control.

Polycystic ovary: 7 ways to lower your androgen levels/Photo iStock

How to lower androgens naturally?

Los androgens are hormones They are produced in the testicles (in men) and in the ovaries (in women). These hormones can cause problems like acne and excessive facial hair, among others. If you want to lower the androgen levels Naturally, here are some recommendations.

First of all, it is important that you take care of your diet. There are foods that can help you lower your androgen levels, such as cruciferous vegetables (such as broccoli and cauliflower), turmeric, and green tea. You should also reduce the consumption of processed foods and sugar.

Second, physical exercise is a great way to regulate hormone levels in the body. Exercising regularly helps lower androgen levels, as well as being beneficial for your overall health.

Finally, you can also opt for natural therapies such as yoga and meditation, which will help you reduce stress. Stress can increase androgen levels, so it is important that you learn to control it to keep your hormones in balance. Remember that these are only recommendations and it is always important to consult a health professional if you have questions or health problems.

Polycystic ovary: 7 ways to lower your androgen levels/Photo iStock

How to control hormones with PCOS?

This hormonal condition It can be treated naturally with changes in diet and lifestyle.

A diet rich in fiber, lean protein, and healthy fats can help balance hormone levels. It is also recommended to avoid processed foods and foods rich in refined sugars that can disrupt the endocrine system. Additionally, regular exercise and stress reduction can help maintain a healthy hormonal balance. It is important to consult with a specialist doctor in cases of SOP to receive personalized guidance and appropriate treatment.

Polycystic ovary: 7 ways to lower your androgen levels/Photo iStock

What is the syndrome of ovary polycystic?

It is a hormonal disorder that affects women of reproductive age. The exact cause is unknown, however there are some factors that can contribute to its development according to iMayo Clinic Medical Institute:

  • Excess insulin: is a hormone that is produced in the pancreas and helps the body’s cells use sugar for energy. Its increase can increase the production of androgens.
  • Low inflammation: This means that the white blood cells secrete few substances to fight infection.
  • Heredity: it is believed that some genes could be involved with the appearance of the disease.

Now you can understand, that having polycystic ovary it is important to lower androgen levels. How to achieve it? SLIDE the MAIN PHOTO and find out.

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