Pomodoro Technique: how to use it to increase productivity?

by time news

Can a tomato be key to productivity? That’s how it is. Read on and learn more about the Pomodoro technique, which will help you focus your efforts.

Last update: April 1, 2023

In a world like today, so competitive and demanding, optimization of time and effort is a constant need. A simple and effective way to achieve this is with the so-called Pomodoro technique.

As detailed in an article shared by the National Institutes of Health, it is a tool whose objective is focused work, but with planned breaks in between. How to implement it? What are its advantages? Let’s see.

What is the Pomodoro technique?

Do you have many tasks and little space to do them? Do you have the impression that you will never finish the earrings? Do you think a day should have 40 hours? Precisely, the Pomodoro technique It is a resource to manage work time efficiently. In addition, it improves productivity and concentration.

This is a recently-dated method —from the 1990s— whose invention is attributed to Francesco Cirillo, who began using it during his university studies. The name comes from the fact that he had a tomato-shaped kitchen timer.

It consists of focusing on a single, fairly specific task for 25 minutes. These periods of work, called ‘Pomodoro sessions’, are alternated with short breaks of 5 minutes. After completing four blocks, a longer break is taken.

Over time, it is suggested to increase the duration of the Pomodoro periods, up to a maximum of 50 minutes. Of course, the work blocks must be full attention and concentration. The idea is to break the old habit of procrastinating.

This way, the impression of being saturated or overwhelmed is diminished. And it is that a break from time to time has a positive impact on both concentration and mental performance.

It even diminishes that feeling that we are between a rock and a hard place, in a constant fight against time. The best thing is that we finish the task with the same enthusiasm with which we began and, in fact, we experience a pleasant sense of accomplishment.

How to apply the Pomodoro technique to increase productivity?

Organization is essential for the Pomodoro technique to be truly effective.

The Pomodoro technique is quite simple. Next, we describe the process and what we must take into account to make it effective.

  • Subdivide. We must fragment the work into as many small tasks as possible. And if it still looks bulky, we need to subdivide further.
  • Make a to-do list and cross off the completed tasks. We already have an idea of ​​the work, how much we have to do and the threads. Now, it is better to make a list so as not to forget or leave anything out. And every time we advance a box, we cross it out.
  • set timer. This is the fundamental tool; a clock, stopwatch, or timer. When starting the specific task, we must schedule it to ring in 25 minutes.
  • Focus to the fullest. The key to the Pomodoro technique is that during those 25 minutes we forget about everything other than homework. No partner, no children, no dog, no mobile, no social networks. Nothing.
  • Rest. Just like when we were in school, the alarm goes off and we stop everything we’re doing. We mark the task as finished or advanced, and take a short but well-deserved break. In this one you do the opposite of the above; You think about anything except work.

What is the Pomodoro technique used for?

The Pomodoro technique can be applied equally in study or work, as it provides various advantages in relation to tasks. It also offers benefits for those who perform them. Let’s see the details.


Concentration on academic or work tasks has become a challenge. There are several factors that can interrupt the continuity of work; other activities, distractions with electronic devices, difficulties concentrating, among others.

Consequently, there is only one possible outcome; low productivity. Precisely, The main contribution of the Pomodoro technique is to help us focus on a single task at a time to complete it successfully and reduce or eliminate distractions.

Better time management

Research indicates that, in academic settings, the Pomodoro technique has been shown to be effective in terms of time management for completing school tasks.

On the other hand, when we learn to work systematically, we know what we can achieve, we control the rhythms and organize ourselves betterdepending on the time available for the total task and for each section.

Productivity and satisfaction

According to another study, in which the Pomodoro was used in a real work environment (in the development area of software), after applying this technique the number of internal interruptions decreased significantly. Increased productivity and generated more satisfaction in workers.

Motivation and commitment

Sometimes the problem is not just lack of time or attention, but commitment and responsibility. Maybe we do not start the task because we think we will not be able to finish itand we do not want to suffer guilt or disappointment.

However, if we start taking one step at a time, and if we take each small task as an achievement, this can also become an incentive to continue.

Decreased effort and fatigue

If from time to time we stop, the brain rests and the chances of mental fatigue decrease. Regarding the physical aspect, when we get up from the work chair we can walk and stretch a bit, which helps to avoid the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle, such as sciatica, waist pain, joint stiffness, among others.

Tips to achieve good results with the Pomodoro technique

Avoiding possible distractions is important so that each task is completed as soon as possible.

Using the Pomodoro technique, at work or in studies, should not represent any difficulty. However, it can work much better if you keep in mind the following tips:

  • use a boardbillboard or blackboard to write down or visualize the tasks.
  • The board can be divided into three zones; pending, in process and finished.
  • it’s possible start with the most urgent or the simplestaccording to the case.
  • You have to get away from any source of distraction.
  • Lower the volume of the mobile or, if possible, turn it off.
  • At the end of each completed task, we can give ourselves a reward; a coffee, a cookie or any appetizer.
  • If 25 minutes is too long, you can start with short periods. These are gradually increased.
  • avoid the multitasking. That is, no multitask.
  • Determine how many ‘Pomodoros’ an activity takes.
  • Don’t skip breaks. Breaks are the key to success.

For whom is it appropriate to resort to the Pomodoro technique?

The Pomodoro method is recommended for students and workers. In most cases, it can be applied both in the workplace and in the academic field.

  • For example, for a teacher who has to correct a number of evaluations, this technique can help to avoid saturation.
  • Also for a musician who has to rehearse for hours. Taking short breaks every once in a while is a good thing.

However, in other cases it can be rather counterproductive. For a journalist, a writer, or even a plastic artist, 25 minutes may be barely enough to get into the subject. Stopping can mean missing the beat, the creative flow, or the inspiration.

In these people, the most appropriate thing would be to work for long periods of more than an hour. It is also valid to apply it by tasks; each time they finish a section, they could take a long break.

Lastly, for those who are anxious, using a timer adds a stress factor, making it inappropriate as well. They may be more concerned with the clock than with the task itself.

A very effective technique under the right conditions

In ancient times, the human being had to work for hours, without stopping. With the labor reforms of the 20th century, this panorama began to change, shortening the working hours. We have noticed that, it seems, in short periods of activity we are more effective.

However, it is appropriate to clarify that the belief according to which our attention span is so many minutes does not have a scientific basis per se. One way or the other, the Pomodoro technique has proven to be effective for many, although it is not infallible.

Of course, it can be tested for a few days to see how it works or if it needs to be adapted in any way. Even so, there are other techniques that also help with time management. The essential thing is to put them into practice, especially if there is a tendency to procrastination.

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