Pompeii golds and Lucanian bronzes: the exhibition “Journey into beauty” at the Rivola Museum in Matera

by time news

twelve o’clock, November 18, 2021 – 09:49

The director Annamaria Mauro: “There is continuity between the Neolithic and the Roman age in the sign of a femininity enhanced by jewels”

from Marilena Di Tursi

«From Matera to Pompeii. Journey into beauty »is an exhibition that builds a path dedicated to the female figure, in time and space between two neighboring geographical areas. Jewels and ornaments, objects for make-up and for the well-being of the body, make up an exhibition itinerary, set up starting today, at the Domenico Ridola Archaeological Museum. The event that operates a comparison between two different archaeological areas, one in Basilicata and the other in Campania, was created by the National Museum of Matera in collaboration with the Archaeological Park of Pompeii and the Ministry of Culture. The inauguration was attended by the curators Massimo Osanna, General Director of Museums, Gabriel Zuchtriegel, Director of the Archaeological Park of Pompeii, and Annamaria Mauro, Director of the National Museum of Matera from which the initiative started, to whom we asked a few questions.

How was the concept of the exhibition born?

«Before receiving the assignment from Matera I worked at the Pompeii Archaeological Park where the theme of beauty in the ancient world was at the center of my interests as a scholar. In Pompeii it had already materialized in two exhibitions curated by me, “Vanity. Stories of jewels from the Cyclades to Pompeii ”and“ Venustas. Grace and beauty in Pompeii “. In Matera I had the opportunity to view the vault of the Ridola Museum and other important museums in Basilicata and I thought of comparing this reality to the Vesuvian one. Finally, with the collaboration of Massimo Osanna and Gabriel Zuchtriegel I built the definitive scientific project ».

What are the contents of the exhibition itinerary?

«I would start from the title, that is, from the direction foreseen by the route. It starts from Matera and arrives in Pompeii, ie from the Neolithic to the Roman era. A journey between two distant worlds that come together in the name of femininity, with two itineraries that include a broad meaning of the theme. So jewels but also objects for cosmetics, silver, mirrors, ambers, jewels, amulets, in other words everything that was dedicated to the ornament, from the pre-historic period up to the imperial age. I specify that Matera is understood as Basilicata, as it includes finds from Melfi, Metaponto, Policoro and Potenza ».

What emerges in particular in these productions?

«The figure of a Lucanian woman comes out very clearly who, like the Pompeian ones, loved to be jeweled, obviously according to the possibilities allowed by the rank of belonging. It can also be understood from two significant examples that close the exhibition. A Lucanian burial, from the 4th century BC. C., excavated in Tricarico with the deceased in bejeweled, and the copy of the cast of a teenager, coming from a villa in Oplontis, with the jewels brought to safety during the escape from the eruption of Vesuvius. Another interesting fact concerns the presence of jewels made of materials, such as bronze or silver, from archaeologically earlier eras than golds, more specifically ascribed to the Magna Graecia era, which demonstrate the evolution of every single type of jewel over the centuries “.

Are there any aspects or artifacts worthy of particular mention?

«An element that I think is striking is the contemporaneity of the decorations which evidently also inspired recent productions. I would highlight the precious golden armilla, found on the arm of one of the victims of the “House of the Golden Bracelet” while trying to escape the fury of Vesuvius, and the bronze manufactures with minimal ornaments, today very topical ».

November 18, 2021 | 09:49

© Time.News

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