‘Pongal package’ provided by Tamil Nadu government is welcome: Central Food Secretary praises | Central Minsiter welcomes TN governments pongal gift pack

by time news

உதகை: The ‘Pongal gift package’ provided by the Government of Tamil Nadu is welcome Union Food Secretary Sudhanshu Pandey Said.

A review meeting was held today under the chairmanship of Union Food Secretary Sudhanshu Pandey on the public distribution scheme and ration shop in Udagai in the Nilgiris district.

Speaking at the meeting, Nilgiris District Collector S.P. Amrit said, “There are a total of 403 fair price shops in the Nilgiris district. They include 298 full-time fair price stores, 105 part-time stores and 33 mobile fair price stores. There are six warehouses run by the Tamil Nadu Food Corporation in 6 circles in the Nilgiris district. Their total capacity is 11,310 MT. In addition, 7,610 family card holders out of a total of 16,624 have audited the Antyodaya Anna Yojana family cards. As the economy improves, steps have been taken to remove it from the scheme and change it to a non-priority family card category.

At the meeting, Union Food Secretary Subhanshu Pandey said: Just as the Andyodaya Anna Yojana audited family cards, action should be taken to audit priority family cards and convert them into non-priority family cards. Action should be taken to identify family cards that have not received essential items for more than three months and provide essential items on the basis of authenticity.

Rice, which does not receive essential items, should be identified and action should be taken to convert the family card into an unwanted family card at the discretion of the cardholders.

He said steps would be taken to create awareness among foreigners involved in tea plantations, factories and construction in the Nilgiris district by downloading and using the ‘Mera Ration’ processor to benefit from the One Country, One Family Card scheme.

He later told reporters: The National Food Security Plan reviewed the Prime Minister’s Carib Kalyan Annayojana plans.

Rice procurement from Tamil Nadu has tripled in the last 5 years. Purchases have increased from 9 lakh metric tonnes to 29 lakh metric tonnes.

Tamil Nadu ranks 3rd in the country in petrol consumption. A 20 percent ethanol blend is promoted to reduce gasoline use. Ethanol blended gasoline consumption will rise by 10 percent this year.

Agricultural waste is used to produce ethanol. With a demand of 82 crore liters of ethanol, only 10 to 11 crore liters can be produced by 11 distilleries.

Production of ethanol blended petrol will increase employment, reduce environmental pollution and increase income for farmers.

Tamil Nadu has adequate facilities for storing food grains. Storage facilities should be provided in remote areas as well.

The public distribution system in Tamil Nadu is the best in the country. For the Pongal festival, the government is welcome to provide the people with a Pongal gift package containing 21 items.

The central government is providing Rs 10 billion food subsidy to Tamil Nadu. 16,000 crore for food grains provided during the Corona period. The central government has given a grant of Rs 26,000 crore to Tamil Nadu.

Thus he said.


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