Pope ambassador to the EU died of Covid-19

by time news

The Italian Vatican diplomat Aldo Giordano was only appointed as nuncio to the EU this year.

The papal ambassador to the European Union, Archbishop Aldo Giordano, succumbed to the consequences of a corona infection, as reported by Kathpress. The 67-year-old Vatican diplomat died on Thursday in Leuven, Belgium, as confirmed by the EU Bishops’ Commission COMECE. Giordano, who comes from northern Italy, was appointed as the successor to French Archbishop Alain Lebeaupin as nuncio to the EU in May. In September he fell ill with Covid-19.

Giordano, born on August 20, 1954 in Cuneo, northern Italy, studied in his hometown and at the Gregoriana University in Rome and received his doctorate with a thesis on Friedrich Nietzsche. In 1995 he became General Secretary of the Council of European Bishops’ Conferences (CCEE) based in St. Gallen, Switzerland. In 2008 he moved to Strasbourg as a permanent observer of the Holy See at the Council of Europe. Giordano had been apostolic nuncio in Venezuela since 2013.

(APA / Kathpress)

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