Pope at Bahrain Forum: Religious leaders have a duty to help humanity

by time news

In the Bahrain forum for dialogue, Pope Francis emphasized in his message against war and for true religious freedom, the importance of recognizing women, protecting the fundamental rights of children and the concept of citizenship.

C. Rubini CTC, Vatican News

In a world driven by narrow interests and war, the Pope said, religious leaders must set a good example and commit themselves to encouraging and helping our wounded human family.

This was the core of Pope Francis’ speech at the Bahrain Forum for Dialogue on Nov. 4 at Al-Fida Square in the Sakhir Royal Palace, the first day of his apostolic visit to Bahrain.

This is the Pope’s 39th apostolic visit, having accepted an invitation to visit Bahrain by King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa and the local congregation. The pope is visiting the Muslim-majority country of Bahrain to participate in the event and to show closeness to the country’s small Catholic community, which makes up about four percent of the population.

Urgent requests

In a speech in the Middle Eastern Gulf nation, Pope Francis condemned the war, made a strong plea for genuine religious freedom and highlighted the “urgent educational priorities” of recognizing women, protecting children’s fundamental rights and the concept of citizenship.

The Holy Father began his message by thanking him for inviting him to the forum organized under the auspices of the King of Bahrain on “Human Coexistence East and West”.

Papa Vedam expressed that we live in a time when humanity is more divided than ever united.

Reject the isolationist attitude

“After two terrible world wars and a cold war that kept the world in limbo for decades, the devastating conflicts taking place in all parts of the world, the Pope reminded us that we find ourselves on the brink of a fall into which we never want to fall, amid accusations, threats and condemnations.

The Pope criticized that we see around us the kind of children who give priority to conflicts and impose their own selfish models than to understand each other and cause death and hatred with fire, missiles and bombs. As men and women who believe in God, the Pope asked those present to give up the attitude of isolation.

Religious leaders should set a good example

The Pope reminded us not to lose sight of other miseries hidden when conflicts arise. Injustice, hunger, and climate change-induced disasters experienced by most of the Earth’s population are symptoms of inadequate protection of our common home. Underlining the responsibility and role of religious leaders, the Pope said that religious leaders must be committed and role models in such matters.

Three challenges

The Pope highlighted the three challenges that emerged from the Declaration of Human Fraternity and the Declaration of the Kingdom of Bahrain and were reflected in the debate. They were prayer, education and action


The Pope first spoke about prayer and explained that because it touches human hearts, prayer is the opening of our hearts to the Most High, and it is necessary to purify ourselves from selfishness, closed mind, self-importance, deceit and injustice.

Pope Francis went on to say that those who pray find peace of heart, cannot help witnessing peace, and can’t help but attract others by their example. Religious people invite others to raise their eyes to heaven.

Religious Freedom: A Vital Basis

The most important basis for this is freedom of religion. The Pope said that any form of religious coercion is incompatible with the Almighty, quoting the words of the Kingdom of Bahrain’s declaration that “forced religion cannot bring any person to a meaningful relationship with God” because “God teaches us to exercise the divine gift of free choice”. Because God did not give the world to slaves, the Pope underlined, but to free beings whom he respects.

Self-examining true religious freedom

The Pope said that it is not enough to give permission to worship and accept the freedom to worship and to achieve proper religious freedom, and asked that not only a community but also a faith should conduct a self-examination as to whether it is threatening God’s creation from the outside or liberating it from the inside. Pope Francis has made it clear that the faithful should not do what we like, but examine whether it helps us to come to the good for which we were created, to true freedom.

of education The challenge

If the challenge of prayer is of the heart, that of education is of the mind. Again quoting the Kingdom of Bahrain’s declaration, recognizing that “ignorance is the enemy of peace,” the Pope said that “where there are few opportunities for education, extremism grows and various forms of radicalism take root.” The Pope pointed out that while ignorance is the enemy of peace, education is the bedrock of development for men and women as beings who need mobility and relationships. Religions can support this.

Accept women

Underlining the three priorities of education, Pope Francis called for the recognition of women in general, their right to education, employment, social and political rights.

Protection of fundamental rights of children

Second, Pope Francis emphasized the need to protect the fundamental rights of children. To be able to grow, to be educated, to be helped and supported, and thus to live without becoming victims of hunger and violence. Papa was drawn to see crises, problems, and wars through the eyes of children. Only then, the Pope said, will progress reflect innocence rather than profit and lead us to build a better and more humane future.of citizenship idea

The Pope emphasized the importance of education about citizenship and living in society with mutual respect and respect for the law. Pope Francis has advanced a concept of citizenship based on equality of rights and duties.

The Pope also reminded us that exploiting the term minority to create discrimination can lead to feelings of isolation and inferiority. The Pope added that its misuse would lead to hatred and division. The Pope again quoted Bahr’s declaration that “whenever hate, violence and division are preached, the name of God is being shared.”

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