Pope at the Angelus: We are all alive because we have been welcomed

by time news

Milan, 22 September (askanews) – “Jesus renews our way of life. He teaches us that true power does not lie in the domination of the strongest, but in caring for the weakest. This is why the Master calls a child, places him among his disciples and embraces him, saying: ‘Whoever welcomes just one such child in my name welcomes me’. The child has no power: he needs. When we take care of man, we recognize that man always needs life. We, all of us, are alive because we have been welcomed, but power makes us forget this truth. Then we become masters, not servants, and the first to suffer are precisely the last: the little ones, the weak, the poor”. Pope Francis said this during the Angelus in St. Peter’s Square.

“How many people suffer and die in power struggles! They are lives that the world rejects, as it rejected Jesus. When he was handed over to men, he did not find an embrace, but a cross. The Gospel, however, remains a living word full of hope: he who was rejected, is risen, is the Lord! So we can ask ourselves: do I recognize the face of Jesus in the littlest ones? Do I take care of my neighbor, serving with generosity? And vice versa, do I thank those who take care of me?”, added the Pope.

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