We present the speech given by Pope Francis on Sunday, September 8, 2024 to the faithful gathered on the esplanade in front of the Cathedral of the Holy Cross in the Diocese of Vanimo in Papua New Guinea.

Brothers and sisters, good evening.

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I thank the bishop for the words he spoke to me. I greet the authorities, the priests, the men and women religious, the missionaries, the catechists, the young people, the faithful – some of whom have come from afar – and you, my dear children. I thank Maria Joseph, Steven, Sister Jaisha Joseph, David and Maria for what they shared with us. I am happy to find myself in this wonderful, young and missionary country.

As we have heard, since the middle of the 19th century the mission in these lands has never been interrupted. Religious men and women, catechists and lay missionaries have never stopped preaching the Word of God and offering help to their brothers in pastoral care, teaching, medical care and many other areas, while facing many difficulties , to be instruments of peace. and love” for all, as Sister Jaisha Joseph told us.

In this way, schools, hospitals and missionary centers give witness around us that Christ came to bring salvation to all, so that everyone may become in all his beauty for the common good (cf. Exhort. Evangelii Gaudium , 182 ).

You are beauty “experts” here because you are surrounded by it. They live in a wonderful country, rich in a wide variety of plants and birds, where one is left speechless by the colors, sounds and smells, and the wonderful sight of nature overflowing with life, which represents the image of Eden. However, this wealth has been entrusted to you by the Lord as a sign and a tool, so that you too can live like this, united in harmony with him and your brothers, respecting the country and taking care of each other ( cf. Message for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, September 1, 2019).

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