Pope Francis at the “Clinton Global Initiative”, that intervention that many missed

by time news

2023-09-26 13:59:01

Probably few people know that Pope Francis, in addition to his visit to Marseille – where he maintained that there is no invasion of migrants, because they exercise their universal right – on 18 September he spoke at the Global initiatives of Clinton which was held in New York. This foundation is committed to developing strategies to increasingly deprive us of our rights in the name of fighting climate change.

The foundation Global initiatives it can be defined as a global money laundering machine to implement corruption in society and in the political and business world. In other words it depends on the favors that the politicians elected by the Democratic Party around the Clintons can do.

So what does the Pope have to do with this assembly and why did he intervene? Ultimately it is not an intervention in a government organization, it is instead a significant intervention because the organization supports the Democratic Party in the United States and especially Hillary Clinton.

Well, the Pope made the initial speech in this assembly, sealing the return of Clinton, now involved in the electoral campaign against Trump.

His intervention in this context helps us to better understand his position on the topic of migration which appears to lack important considerations on issues such as incompatibility, causes and consequences.

The Pope’s message can be summed up this way: “I am here to urge you, those who hold power. It is your responsibility, as leaders of the world, to take action to preserve the climate and the planet.” The Pope expresses concern for the state of the planet, underlining that the situation is critical, and therefore calls for immediate intervention to protect it along the lines defined by the United Nations 2030 agenda, but maintains that the ecological approach of the Church coincides with those objectives . Furthermore, the Pope highlights the importance of caring for children and migrants and emphasizes that this responsibility cannot be addressed by him alone. These are the main points that the Pontiff wanted to emphasize and on which he invited everyone to work together.

What does all this imply? Means that the Pope shows a strong ideological inclination towards the American Democratic Party and globalismwhich advocates the concentration of power and wealth in the name of addressing climate change and its consequences.

It is important to note that the issues addressed by the Pope during his speech at the Foundation are not the most relevant for the Catholic Church and the ecclesiastical world, at least not in the form in which they are commonly treated with the aim of implementing, sometimes in a poorly transparent, a global shift that aligns with various agendas that aim for a totalitarian world order and that promote a global restructuring of the entire world.

It is also notable that the Clinton Foundation’s “Global Initiative Gala” meeting – where Pope Francis spoke – was held in the context of the annual meeting of the United Nations General Assembly. In this context, the 193 member states of the United Nations General Assembly sent their top leaders to speak about their countries. Many of them will promote the United Nations 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals, which represent, among others, the centralization of power and wealth in the name of climate hype.

The urgency of the loss of authority induces increasingly intense reactions and attempts to exert large-scale strategic pressure through global agendas, which begin to negatively influence allied countries, i.e. the subordinate entities that support the decline of the dominant for specific political opportunities. It is obvious that global powers, each with varying degrees of involvement, have a strong interest in this process taking place, as those who do not participate will suffer penalties or be excluded from the economic benefits resulting from this reorganization. However, it is difficult to believe that the hegemonic power responsible for the destruction of entire nations and the indiscriminate use of force has any real intrinsic interest in preserving the planet, except for third-party purposes.

#Pope #Francis #Clinton #Global #Initiative #intervention #missed

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