Pope Francis Discusses Blessing Same-Sex Unions and Embracing LGBTQ Inclusion in the Catholic Church

by time news

Pope Francis Suggests Possibility of Blessing Same-Sex Unions in Response to Cardinals’ Questioning

In a newly public response to cardinals who questioned his affirmation of the LGBTQ community in the Catholic Church, Pope Francis suggested that it may be possible to bless same-sex unions. The pope’s remarks were made in a letter written in Spanish in July, where he reaffirmed the Church’s understanding of marriage as an exclusive, stable, and indissoluble union between a man and a woman, naturally open to procreation, according to the Vatican News.

However, he also advocated for “pastoral charity,” stating that the defense of objective truth is not the only expression of this charity. He emphasized the importance of kindness, patience, understanding, tenderness, and encouragement, saying that the Church cannot solely be judges who deny, reject, and exclude. Pope Francis added that pastoral prudence must discern whether forms of blessing, requested by one or more individuals, convey a mistaken concept of marriage.

While some view his statement as a significant advancement in the inclusion of LGBTQ Catholics in the Church, others consider it falls short of a full-fledged endorsement. Nonetheless, New Ways Ministry, an LGBTQ Catholic outreach group, expressed their appreciation for the pope’s remarks.

Pope Francis has been vocal about creating a more inclusive Church, calling on the Catholic Church to be for “todos, todos, todos” (everyone, everyone, everyone), including the LGBTQ community. He has also criticized laws that criminalize homosexuality, advocating for a more compassionate stance toward the LGBTQ community.

The news of Pope Francis’s comments comes just before the start of a major three-week synod at the Vatican. The synod, which will address hot-button issues such as the role of women in the Church and the inclusion of the LGBTQ+ community, will involve more than 450 participants from around the world, including cardinals, bishops, clergy, religious, and laypeople. Advocacy groups representing various causes, such as ending clergy abuse and promoting women’s ordination, are expected to gather in Rome and the Vatican during the synod.

While some consider the synod on synodality a historical event, conservative church leaders and commentators have voiced concerns that it could harm the Church and undermine Catholic teaching.

LGBTQ advocates have applauded Pope Francis’s response, describing it as unprecedented and compassionate. According to a Gallup poll, 71% of all Americans, including 41% of weekly churchgoers, support marriage equality for LGBTQ people, indicating a growing acceptance of LGBTQ rights in society.

The synod will commence with a mass with new cardinals at St. Peter’s Square on Wednesday, followed by extensive discussions on various topics that will shape the future of the Catholic Church.

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