Pope Francis in Canada! – Vatican News

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Pope’s 37th Apostolic Tour Abroad – Day 1, Sunday 24/07/22.

Joey Kariveli, Vatican City

Pope Francis arrived in Canada on Sunday the 24th (24/07/22). This is the thirty-seventh foreign apostolic tour of the Pope. This pastoral visit will conclude on Saturday the thirtieth (30/07/22). Although it can be called a seven-day visit, the duration of this pastoral visit of the Pope is exactly 5 days, 22 hours and 50 minutes.

Just after 8am local time on Sunday the 24th (24/07/22), Pope Francis departed for Leonardo da Vinci International Airport in Fiumicino, 29 kilometers from his home in the Vatican, the Domus Sancte Marte. It was from this airport in Rome that the Pope left for Canada. Bishop Janrico Rutza of the Diocese of Porto Santa Rufina, which includes the Fiumicino area where the airport is located, was also present to see the Pope off at the airport. Papa boarded the flight with the help of a wheelchair due to pain in his knee. Along with the Pope on the plane, there were more than 80 journalists from more than 10 countries, in addition to the representatives of the Vatican, including Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican Secretary of State. Greeting them on the plane, the Pope reiterated that his pastoral visit was a penitential prayer and reminded them to preserve that spirit.

Papa to fellow passengers on the plane

The Pope recalled that this Sunday (24/07/22), i.e. this twenty-fourth, the Day for Grandparents and the Elderly was observed.

The Pope said that our grandparents are the ones who have handed down history, traditions, customs and many other things to us. Reminding the youth to be connected to them and to regain their roots, the Pope stated that it is not to stand still there, but to move forward with strength, just as a tree absorbs nourishment through its roots and produces flowers and fruits. The Pope also referred to the elderly in consecrated life communities and said that they are the wisdom of sannyastak families.

Papa Edmonton

Carrying the Pope and his entourage, the flight took off at 9.15 am Rome time and 12.45 pm India time for Canada’s Edmonton International Airport. The flight took 10 hours and 20 minutes to cover the 8430 km air distance to the destination. The flight landed in Edmonton around 11.10 PM Edmonton time (24/07/22) and 10-40 PM IST on Sunday. Edmonton time is 11 hours and 30 minutes behind India. We must also remember that within Canada itself there are time differences between different regions.


Edmonton is the capital of the state of Alberta. Edmonton is the state’s second largest city after Calgary. This city is home to a large number of locals. It is thought to have been inhabited since the last ice age, perhaps as early as 10,000 BC. The first European explorer to set foot there was Anthony Hendaye. It was in 1754. Edmonton was declared the capital of Alberta in 1905. The city became an important agro-industrial center in the nineteenth century. The city earned the title of Oil Capital of Canada in the 1940s when the area was discovered to be rich in oil. An oil refinery, Edmonton is now a major tourist destination.

Archdiocese of Edmonton

The Archdiocese of Edmonton was founded on September 22, 1871, in the name of Saint Albert. On 30 November 1912, it was elevated to a Metropolitan Diocese. Catholics number 477,148 out of more than 19 lakh inhabitants living within the boundaries of this archdiocese with an area of ​​81,151 square kilometers. They are divided into 125 parishes. There are 77 diocesan priests and 70 sannyasa priests to take care of their spiritual affairs. The number of nuns is about 150. 345 educational institutions and 160 sub-division centers are functioning under this archdiocese. The archdiocese is Archbishop Richard William Smith.

Ukrainian Ecclesiastical Eparchy

Edmonton is also the seat of the Eparchy of the Ukrainian Catholic Church. It was established as an Exarchate on 19 March 1951 and elevated to an Eparchy, or Diocese, on 3 November 1956. With over 5,000 Catholic members, the Eparchy has 81 parishes, 29 dioceses and 10 monastic priests. 2 educational institutions and 5 social service centers are functioning under this eparchy. The Edmonton Eparchy is presided over by Bishop David Mothiuk.

Pope’s greetings to the heads of state

On the way to Edmonton, the Pope sent telegrams of greetings to every head of state the plane flew over except Canada. President of Italy Sergio Mattarella, President of Switzerland Ignazio Cassis, French President Emmanuel Macron, Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain, President of Iceland Guni Thorlasius Johansson, and Queen Margrethe II of Denmark from the plane greeted the Pope with prayers.

Welcome ceremony

When the Italian Ita (ITA) Airways flight carrying Pope Francis and his entourage landed at Edmonton International Airport, the Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop Ivan Yurkovich and the head of the team in charge of pastoral visitation programs in Canada boarded the plane and escorted the Pope out. Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican State Curator, who was with the Pope before he left, came out. Papa came out and was brought by car to the reception venue at the airport itself. Governor General Mary Simon and her husband and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau welcomed the papa who got out of the car and sat in a wheelchair. A representative of the natives, dressed in traditional attire, also shook hands with the Pope. After that, Papa was taken to a shop. A four-piece choir sang a folk song accompanied by percussion, paying homage to the Pope, who sat between the Prime Minister and the Governor General. After the end of the song, the representatives of the natives dressed in traditional costumes came to greet the Pope and the Pope asked them questions. Then there was an introduction ceremony for the delegations. On that occasion, Papa was also seen handing out small gifts. After this short welcome program, the Pope went to St. Joseph’s Seminary, more than thirty kilometers from the airport. This seminary was started in 1927. As the call to God increased, another seminary was completed in 1957 at St. Albert Trail. In 2010, the seminary was shifted to another location. The seminary has 60 rooms to accommodate students including priests and their instructors. Accommodation was arranged there for Papa who came to the seminary. On Sunday, which was his first day in Canada, the Pope had no other official events. It was noon when Papa arrived at the seminary. Dad had lunch and rested due to travel fatigue.

Papa’s Monday Events

On Monday morning, the second day of his visit to Canada, the Pope will travel to the area of ​​Muskawachis, meaning “Bear’s Hill,” and meet with First Nations, Metis and Inuit indigenous groups. In the afternoon, the Pope will address the local people and parishioners at the Sacred Heart Church.

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