Pope Francis is emotional – Funeral of Pope Benedict XVI

by time news

VATICAN CITY – After 220 years, another pope led the funeral service for a pope. New history was made yesterday when Pope Francis presided over the burial service of the abdicated Pope Benedict. When Pope Pius VI, who died in exile under Napoleon in 1779, was buried in the Vatican in 1802, his successor, Pope Pius VII, was the chief worker in the services.

From the service in St. Peter’s Square. (Photo – Twitter/@VaticanNews)

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI | Funeral | (Photo - Twitter/@VaticanNews)

From the service in St. Peter’s Square. (Photo – Twitter/@VaticanNews)

After the faithful recited the rosary and prayed for the repose of the soul of Pope Benedict, the Mass began yesterday with Pope Francis officiating. Cardinal Mar George Alencheri of the Syro-Malabar Church, Cardinal Mar Baselios Clemis Katholika Bava of the Syro-Malankara Church and heads of other Eastern Catholic Churches were present in the procession to the altar. Pope Francis was the minister until the message of the Holy Eucharist.

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI | Funeral | (Photo by Vincenzo PINTO / AFP)

From the funeral of Pope Benedict XVI. (Photo by Vincenzo Pinto / AFP)

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI | Funeral | (Photo - Twitter/@VaticanNews)

From the service in St. Peter’s Square. (Photo – Twitter/@VaticanNews)

Pope Francis began his homily by recalling parts of the first homily given by Benedict XVI in 2005 after he was elected as the 265th Pope of the Catholic Church. In addition, he preached based on the words of Jesus on the cross, “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit” heard in the sermon.

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI | Funeral | (Photo - Twitter/@VaticanNews)

From the service in St. Peter’s Square. (Photo – Twitter/@VaticanNews)

As we strive to follow the Lord as an ecclesial community, we also “want to follow in his steps and entrust our brother (Benedict) into the hands of the Father.” May those merciful hands be able to see the lamp burning with the oil of the Gospel which he preached and witnessed throughout his life,” the Pope prayed.

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI | Funeral | (Photo - Twitter/@VaticanNews)

Those who arrived for services in St. Peter’s Square. (Photo – Twitter/@VaticanNews)

“Benedict, faithful friend of the heavenly bridegroom, may your joy be complete now and forever when you hear his voice,” the Pope said. Cardinal Giovanni Battista Ray, dean of the Cardinal Congregation, recited parts of the Mass after the sermon.

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI | Funeral | (Photo - Twitter/@VaticanNews)

When Benedict XVI brought the body of Pope Benedict XVI for services in St. Peter’s Square. (Photo – Twitter/@VaticanNews)

The community of believers should be made holy

At the end of the prayer of the funeral service held after the Mass, the faithful clapped and demanded that Pope Benedict be canonized as soon as possible.

Before Benedict XVI’s casket left St. Peter’s Square for the basilica’s crypt, Pope Francis rose and moved his hands over the casket in prayer. It was then taken to the crypt in the Vatican Basilica where it was sealed and wrapped with ribbon and placed inside a zinc coffin.

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI | Funeral | (Photo - Twitter/@VaticanNews)

After the services in St. Peter’s Square, the body of Pope Benedict XVI is brought to St. Peter’s Basilica for his final resting place. (Photo – Twitter/@VaticanNews)

Pope Benedict’s pallium, coins, medals and a scroll written in Latin detailing important events during his pontificate were deposited in the casket. Then it was soldered and sealed. After that it was placed in a box made of wood. There was no access to news channels at this time.

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI | Funeral | (Photo - Twitter/@VaticanNews)

After the services in St. Peter’s Square, the body of Pope Benedict XVI is brought to St. Peter’s Basilica for his final resting place. (Photo – Twitter/@VaticanNews)

Rest in the tomb of the predecessor

Pope Benedict will be laid to rest in the crypt of the Vatican Basilica where Pope John Paul II was first buried. CBCI President, Archbishop Mar Andrews Gamath, Archbishop Mar Kuriakos Bharnikulangara, Apostolic Visitor of Europe Mar Stephen Chirapanath and others also participated in the funeral service.

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI | Funeral | (Photo - Twitter/@VaticanNews)

After the services in St. Peter’s Square, the body of Pope Benedict XVI is brought to St. Peter’s Basilica for his final resting place. (Photo – Twitter/@VaticanNews)


Pope Francis prays with his hands on the coffin of Pope Benedict during the funeral service. Image: AFP


Attendees of Pope Benedict’s funeral service in St. Peter’s Square. Image: Reuters


(1) Travelogue: Pope Francis next to the casket during Pope Benedict’s funeral service in St. Peter’s Square, Vatican. Image: AFP (2) Pope Benedict

English Summary: Funeral of Pope Benedict XVI – Updates

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