Pope Francis met with the President of Cyprus

by time news

The Pope met with the President of Cyprus, Nicos Anastasiades, at the Vatican on Monday morning, October 24.

C. Roubini CTC, Vatican News

Following his meeting with the Pope at the Apostolic Residence in the Vatican, Nicos Anastasiades held talks with Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin and Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher.

During the heart-felt talks, satisfaction was expressed at the progress and strength of bilateral relations with the Holy See with Cyprus. Also, other international issues, especially the issue of welcoming refugees and regional policies were discussed.

The reunification of Cyprus and the situation in the Mediterranean region more broadly were on the agenda, according to a statement from the Office of the Holy See.

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Pope Anastasiades was presented with an icon of “Jesus, the Good Shepherd who knows his sheep and their scent” and shared that he knows his people by heart and is close to them. The Holy Father also presented the President with a collection of the Pope’s sermons. The President of Cyprus presented the Pope with a silver cup modeled after the one used in ancient Cyprus.

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