Pope Francis “We need a Church that speaks the language of charity” – Libero Quotidiano

by time news

2023-04-29 12:01:04

BUDAPEST (HUNGARY) (ITALPRESS) – On his second day on Hungarian soil, Pope Francis met the poor and refugees inside the church dedicated precisely to the saint, where about 600 gathered, inside, and a thousand outside, in square in front. Francis listened to the gypsy songs of the Roma, and Libertango by Astor Piazzolla, but above all the testimonies of those who have experienced suffering and deprivation, of those who have fled the war, of those who are homeless, of those who have been left alone, marked by poverty and fragility; “This is the testimony that is asked of us: compassion towards everyone, especially towards those who are marked by poverty, sickness and pain, compassion which means ‘to suffer with’. We need a Church that speaks fluently the language of charity, a universal language that everyone hears and understands, even the furthest away, even those who do not believe”, said the Holy Father, thanking the Magyar Church for its service alongside those experiencing hardship .
“The poor indicate a challenge – continues the Pope – that of not allowing faith to fall prey to a sort of spiritual selfishness, to a spirituality built to measure for one’s own tranquility and satisfaction. True faith, on the other hand, is the one that inconveniences, that risks, that brings out to meet the poor and makes them capable of speaking the language of charity with life. As Saint Paul affirms, we can speak many languages, possess wisdom and riches, but if we don’t have charity we have nothing and we are nothing” added the Pontiff. “God does not solve problems from above, his embrace and his closeness are expressed through the compassion of those who do not remain indifferent to the cry of the poor”, concluded Francis, expressing gratitude to the Hungarian Church for the widespread “commitment profuse in charity”, through Caritas, volunteers, pastoral workers and also through collaboration with other Confessions, “united in that ecumenical communion that flows precisely from charity”. The thanks go above all to the welcome dedicated to those fleeing Ukraine, as told by one of the witnesses, and who in Budapest, thanks to the hospitality received, have seen the hope rekindled which “encourages to embark on new life paths”.

photo via: agenziafotogramma.it


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