Pope: Give the world a new face of Europe

by time news

In his message to the European Union Youth Conference in Prague, Czech Republic, from July 11 to 13, Pope Francis called on young people to present to the world a new face of Europe that is inclusive, knowledgeable and courageous enough to reject violence like the senseless wars going on around them.

C. Rubini CTC, Vatican News

The Pope mainly talked about the need to educate the youth to be a good world creation.

of Europe new face

The Holy Father recalled how the Global Compact on Education, launched in 2019, forges a global alliance between educators to teach the young generation to grow in brotherhood as a way to work for a better continent. The Pope underlined that they have an important task as the young generation of Europe. Pope Francis called for the younger generation to present a new face of Europe to the world, if their ancestors had not always gone to other continents for nobler interests.

The message published today, Monday asked the youth to strive for excellence by always helping others, accepting and protecting the environment. And to protect the environment Laudato See, Fatehelli Thuthi The Pope also encouraged them to read his encyclicals and document on human brotherhood.

The Holy Father warned against institutions that maintain the status quo but do not work for the real betterment of the world. The Pope instructed them not to be seduced by the charms that suggest a life of luxury reserved for a small part of the world, but to aspire to a life of dignity and tranquility, free of luxury and waste, where everyone can enjoy a dignified existence, with a broad vision that embraces the whole human race.

In mindless warTo Conscious opposition

Saddened by the senseless war in Ukraine and the many wars in Europe, the Pope recalled that the desire for a united Europe had brought peace to Europe for 70 years. But as usual, the Pope called on all of us to commit ourselves against the terrible war that the powerful few decide and leave thousands of young people to fight and die. The Pope added that opposition is justified in such cases.

If the world was ruled by women, there would not be so many wars because someone said that they cannot choose death because they have the mission to give life, the Pope pointed out.

Servant of God Franz Jägerstätter

The Pope asked them to learn about Franz Jagerstätter, a young objector who opposed Nazism during the Second World War. A Catholic, he pledged his allegiance to Hitler and consciously opposed his faith to the order to go to war. Despite attempts by his own family members, including a priest, and many others to dissuade him, the father of three did not back down. He preferred to be killed than to kill others saying that the war was completely unjust. The Pope reminded us that if all the young men called up for war had done the same, Hitler’s diabolical plans would not have been carried out. Papa added that evil needs allies to succeed. His contemporary, German Lutheran theologian and opponent of Nazism, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, was imprisoned and killed in the same prison where the Servant of God Franz Jagerstätter was killed. The Pope explained that these two visionary young men were killed because they remained faithful to the ideals of their faith until the end.

of life Meaning comes from seeking truth

In a message that focused on the various aspects of education, which includes knowledge of self, knowledge of others and creation, and knowledge of the beginning and end of all things, the Pope called on young people to look up and beyond to seek the true meaning of life. Pope Francis wanted to find out the truth about where they are coming from and where they are going. We cannot live a real life if we do not seek the truth, so they were instructed to live with our feet firmly on the ground but with a broad perspective. Christ is alive The Pope also asked them to read the Apostolic Exhortation for Youth. The Pope concluded his message by calling on young people to work to build a better society and world.

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