Pope: Let us pray for the secretaries – Vatican News

by time news

Ecumenical Sunday was created in 1926 by Pope Pius XI. Currently, Thiruavai is assisting more than 1,100 dioceses.

Mary Teresa: The Vatican

Pope Francis posted a message on his Twitter page on Thursday, October 20, with the hashtag October Missionary Month, to pray for the missionaries sent to different parts of the world.

In this month dedicated to the secret work, the Pope’s Twitter message focusing on the secret work says, “Let us pray for the secret workers who write the story of love with their own lives in the service of the Gospel.”

World Epiphany Sunday for the Universal Church

The 95th World Broadcasting Sunday, which will be celebrated on Sunday, October 23, is a clear mission to help those in need, the weak, and those facing torture and oppression around the world, said Archbishop Christophe Pierre, Ambassador of the United States to the United States.

Archdiocese Pierre said that the financial support given on World Ecumenical Sunday in the United States of America is of great help to dioceses, schools, homes of mercy, elderly, and sick care centers, to the construction and repair of chapels and churches, and to the training of monastic and priestly colleges.

Archbishop Pierre also referred to the Pope’s message for World Mission Sunday entitled “You are my witnesses” (Doc. 1:8) and pointed out that every Christian is called to be a missionary and to be a witness to Christ.

The Archbishop also recalled the statement of the Holy Father that we have been called by the grace of God to join together and participate in this work.

World Broadcasting Sunday

For the spiritual and financial support of the Pope, the funds given each year on World Mission Sunday in the worldwide Catholic Church are used to support the development of missionary sites and missionaries abroad.

With this funding, she is helping to build churches in Asia, Africa, the Pacific Islands, Latin America and parts of Europe.

Ecumenical Sunday was created in 1926 by Pope Pius XI. The practice of fundraising on Sundays was introduced worldwide the following year. Currently, Thiruavai is assisting more than 1,100 dioceses.

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