Pope: “The task of Christians is to break the cycle of violence”

by time news

Time.news – Being missionaries of peace. It is the task of Christians called “a break the cycle of violenceto dismantle the plots of hatred”. It is the exhortation of Pope francesco during the homily of the Mass in Kinshasa’s N’dolo airport where over one million people are present.

We are called to be missionaries of peace, and this will give us peace”, the Pontiff said. “It is a choice: it is making room for everyone in the heart, it is believing that ethnic, regional, social and religious differences come later and are not obstacles; that the others are brothers and sisters, members of the same human community; that everyone is the recipient of the peace brought to the world by Jesus”.

“It is believing that we Christians are called to collaborate with everyone, to break the cycle of violence, to dismantle the plots of hatred”, Francis remarked. “Yes, Christians, sent by Christ, are called by definition to be consciences of peace in the world: not only critical consciences, but above all witnesses of love; not pretenders of their own rights, but of those of the Gospel, which are fraternity, love and forgiveness; not seekers of their own interests, but missionaries of the mad love that God has for every human being”.

“Looking at the poor is the best antidote against worldliness”

The best antidote to worldliness in the world is “have the courage to look at the poor and listen to them“explains Pope Francis.
“The way is to share with the poor: this is the best antidote against the temptation to divide and worldlyize us”, underlined the Pontiff. “Having the courage to look at the poor and listen to them, because they are members of our community and not strangers to be erased from sight and conscience”, he added.

Therefore it is necessary “to open one’s heart to others, instead of closing it on one’s own problems or vanities”.
“Let’s start again from the poor and we will discover that we all share interior poverty; that we all need the Spirit of God to free us from the spirit of the world; that humility is the greatness of the Christian and fraternity is his true wealth”

“No to the flattery of money and careerism”

The Pontiff then exhorted “not to gain consensus” but to “spend one’s life joyfully for the Lord and for others”

“Brothers, sisters, our danger is to follow the spirit of the world rather than that of Christ. And what is the way not to fall into the pitfalls of power and money, not to give in to divisions, to the enticements of careerism that corrode the community, to the false illusions of pleasure and witchcraft that they enclose within themselves?”

“The risk of power also present in the Church”

For Bergoglio it is necessary leave i “worldly desires” which leave “empty-handed” and take away “peace from the community, generating discussions and opposition”. “There is this risk for us too: being together but going forward alone, seeking in society, but also in the Church, the power , career, ambitions… In this way, however, one follows one’s self rather than the true God and one ends up like those disciples: locked up at home, empty of hope and full of fear and disappointment”.

Greetings to the faithful in Lingala

Pope Francis greeted the faithful speaking in Lingala, the Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

“Bandeko, boboto (Brothers and sisters, peace)” “Bondeko (Fraternity),” he said during his homily. “Esengo, joy: the joy of seeing you and meeting you is great: I have longed for this moment so much, thank you for being here!”.

And Francesco’s fine celebration if he rebels against faith in the local language: “He has ears to hear (Chi ha orecchi per intendere)”, “He has a heart to believe (Chi ha cuore per acconsentire)”

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