Pope to Pilgrims from El Salvador: Follow the Footsteps of Your Martyrs

by time news

Pope Francis asked the pilgrims from El Salvador to follow in the footsteps of the martyrs they are thanking on their pilgrimage to Rome.

C. Rubini CTC, Vatican News

The Pope said this during a meeting with pilgrims who came to Rome on Friday to give thanks for the beatification of Rutilio Grante Garcia, Cosme Spesotto, Manuel Celortzano and Nelson Rutilio Lemus.

Martyrs: Gift from the Lord

Addressing the pilgrim group, the Pope said that martyrs are “a free gift from the Lord”. The Pope reminded them that the Fathers of the Church revealed that their blood was united with the blood of the Savior not only by virtue of the disciple imitating the Master or the servant serving the Master, but a kind of mystical union represented in the drops of blood that Jesus’ body sweated in Gethsemane. “These four drops of blood beautified Jesus’ unstitched garment as if it were decorated with coral.” “Let us thank God for these precious gems,” the Pope added.

The Holy Father emphasized that although their importance will always remain in the mystery of God, their reality must deepen in our society. On March 14, 1977, Fr. V. that the first effect of the death of the blessed in the funeral sacrifice of Rutilio Grante would be to restore the unity of the Church. Oscar Romero highlighted.

V. Oscar Romero

“Let us try to understand this church, let us be inspired by this love, let us live this faith, I assure you that there is a solution to our great problems,” V. Finished by Romero. Pope Francis suggested that it would be good to ‘raise’ in prayer this word that God spoke to the Church in El Salvador through the blood of these witnesses.

At this time called to meditate on the Synodality, the Pope reminded them that “these martyrs are the best examples of ‘walking together’ and that is what each one of them, bishops and priests, who are in pastoral care and who ask the Lord today, must do.

“Today our realities are not the same as in their time, but the call to commitment, faithfulness, putting faith in God and love for brothers and sisters first, and living in hope is timeless, because that is the gospel; a living gospel; it is not learned from books but through the lives of those who handed down the deposit of faith to us.”

of Jesus The cross is everyone’s cross

Concluding his homily, Pope Francis stated that the cross is always Jesus’ but at the same time it is also everyone’s.

“As he taught, the cross of his body, the Church, accompanies him in the supreme sacrifice of love,” the Pope said. The Pope concluded by saying that we all carry it, encourage each other, pray for those in difficult times, and let us thank God that we can walk together as God’s holy and faithful people, and that we can be a witness to others in our weakness so that others may find comfort in the contradictions of their destiny.

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