2024-07-22 07:33:01
Chairman (Ketum) of KONI Pusat Marciano Norman and Chairman of PP Pordasi Triwatty Marciano. Photo: Gerakita
jpnn.comJAKARTA – On behalf of the General Chairperson of the Indonesian Equestrian Sports Association (PP Pordasi), Triwatty Marciano is considered to have acted arbitrarily because she dismissed a number of administrators at the center and regions. Among others, the decree of dishonorable dismissal of the Head of Funding and Sports Industry Aryo PS Djojohadikusumo, who was recently elected as General Chairperson for the next four years at the PORDASI National Conference on May 31, 2024.
Triwatty issued a letter of dismissal to other Pordasi central administrators, such as Adinda Yuanita (Secretary General), Moch Baduh Hamzah (Deputy Head of Regulations), James Waani (Deputy Head of Communication for Achievement Acceleration), Ferdinand Tumbol (Deputy Coordinator for Region VI Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua) dated June 14, 2024.
In addition, five PORDASI Provincial Administrators (Pengprov) were also not spared from the issuance of Dismissal Decrees, such as the North Sulawesi Provincial Administrator, the West Sumatra Provincial Administrator, the South Papua Provincial Administrator, and the Central Java Provincial Administrator.
The Head of PORDASI of West Sumatra Province, Deri Asta, highlighted the issuance of the Decree of Dismissal of a number of central and provincial administrators by Triwatty, which according to him was an unethical step and a form of panic by a group of individuals who were unwilling to see their term of office end after January 31, 2024.
“This is a very shameful act of abuse of power. In any organization, a Ketum whose term of office has ended has no right to fire and dismiss central administrators, let alone regional administrators. This was done solely to punish the Pengprov Chairmen who dared to voice and enforce organizational rules,” said Deri, who is also a former Mayor of Sawah Lunto, West Sumatra.
Meanwhile, the Head of the NTB PORDASI Provincial Management, Abdul Malik, explained that all of this started when Triwatty Marciano changed the agenda of the National Working Meeting in DIY on November 9, 2023, which was supposed to discuss preparations for the election of the next PORDASI General Chairperson scheduled for the January 2024 National Conference, suddenly changed to preparations for extending his term of office based on a KONI circular signed by KONI General Chairperson Marciano Norman.
“This clearly violates the AD/ART of Pordasi and castrates the rights of voting members in determining and electing the General Chairperson through the Munas mechanism, not the Rakernas. Moreover, the basis for the extension is the KONI Circular, the letter of request for extension to KONI and then the SK for the extension of the management which was also issued by KONI. How is it possible that the voting rights of autonomous PORDASI members are unconstitutionally robbed by KONI which does not have the votes,” he said.
Malik also emphasized that this issue is not about dualism of management. This situation occurred because when Triwatti Marciano’s management ended. Then 13 out of 25 Pengprov (with a quorum weight value of 64 percent) held the XIV National Conference on May 31, 2024, which resulted in Aryo Djojohadikusomo being elected by acclamation as the General Chairperson of PORDASI for the 2024-2028 period.
The Head of PORDASI of West Sumatra Province, Deri Asta, highlighted the issuance of the Dismissal Decree.