Porn photos from a minor, new scandal at the BBC: presenter suspended –

by time news

2023-07-10 07:03:32

by Louis Hippolytus

The name of the conductor has not been mentioned and many stars of the broadcaster write on social media: It’s not me. The case had been known since May but the company had not taken action

LONDON — A lurid scandal is dragging the BBC, a revered institution whose reputation has already been rocked by embarrassing controversies in recent months, into the mud. A well-known presenter – still anonymous – has been accused of having encouraged an underage boy for years to send him sexually explicit images, in exchange for large sums of money – up to 40,000 euros – which fueled the young man’s drug addiction.

But in addition to the sordid affair, the British public broadcaster also ended up under accusation for the failure to react to the complaint: only yesterday, 48 hours after the story ended up in the newspapers, the presenter was suspended. However, the boy’s mother had sent a complaint to the BBC since mid-May, but no action had been taken: and it was for this reason that the woman resolved to turn to the press.

Meanwhile, speculations about who the pervert might be are rampant on social media: and a host of well-known faces from the BBC lined up to call themselves out. The most famous is Gary Lineker, the former champion of the English national football team who became the leading sports commentator on British TV: I hate to disappoint haters, but it’s not me, he tweeted.

Similarly radio host Rylan Clark, who had been absent since May on a show in Italy, tweeted that I’m not sure why my name is floating around – it’s not me guys, get my name out of your mouth. So his colleague Jeremy Vine went on to say that whoever the “BBC presenter” is, I have the same message as Rylan: it certainly isn’t me. And finally, the political host Nicky Campbell has made it known that he has reported to the police those who have implicated him in the story.

The story quickly became a political case: the Minister of Culture, Lucy Frazer, called the general manager of BB
c, Tim Davie, to discuss the allegations he calls deeply troubling. But the former Home Secretary, Priti Patel, branded the public broadcaster’s reaction as ridiculous, while the Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rachel Reeves, added that if it is true that the presenter continued to work for months, the BBC has to put the house in order, because this is not enough.

After many hesitations, the public broadcaster finally suspended the conductor and reported the case to the police, given that soliciting minors is a crime: in a statement, the BBC defined the story as complex and promised to deal with it seriously , also on the basis of what he referred to as new complaints.

The British broadcaster has been in the storm for months. In March, the Lineker case had broken out, after the conductor had been suspended for violating the rules on impartiality (he had compared the government’s immigration policy to the Nazis): after an outcry, Lineker had been reinstated and the lines guide magazines. In April, President Richard Sharp was forced to step down over a conflict of interest when it emerged that he had been appointed by the government after he helped then Prime Minister Boris Johnson get a large loan deal. All grist for those who, especially from the right, would like to abolish the license fee and clip the wings of a broadcaster perceived as too progressive.

July 10, 2023 (change July 10, 2023 | 07:06)

#Porn #photos #minor #scandal #BBC #presenter #suspended

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