Portland International Airport Welcomes Llamas to Ease Holiday Travel Stress

by time news

Portland International Airport Partners with Therapy Llamas to Help Passengers Manage Holiday Stress

The Portland International Airport in Oregon is known for its unique approach to holiday travel. This season, the airport invited therapy llamas to help passengers manage their stress levels.

Lori Gregory, president and founder of Mountain Peaks Therapy Llamas & Alpacas, brought her llamas, Beni and Prince, to the airport for three visits this month. According to Gregory, llamas have a special ability to provide comfort and relaxation to travelers.

“You can hug them close, and their thick fiber is so soft,” said Gregory. “They’re just very unique animals compared to most other therapy animals. They got the total package.”

The airport’s media relations manager, Allison Ferre, explained that the collaboration with therapy animal programs is part of the airport’s effort to bring holiday cheer to travelers. “When we were bringing back holiday concessions programming, we just thought, ‘Who better to lead that parade than the llamas and alpacas?'” said Ferre.

During their visits to the airport, Beni and Prince were dressed in holiday attire, including antler headbands, glittery halters, and poinsettia-adorned wreathes. The llamas were treated like celebrities, with valet parking, paparazzi, and adoring fans.

Last Wednesday, Beni and Prince even tended to an emergency after a plane was delayed due to fog in Seattle. In a TikTok video, a distressed woman can be seen embracing Beni and expressing her relief. “Oh my god, I so need a therapy llama,” she said. “I am so happy now.”

Despite some common misconceptions about llamas, Gregory emphasized that they are highly trainable pack animals that provide emotional support to those in need. She and her daughter, who care for nearly a dozen llamas and alpacas, are hoping to return to the airport with their brood next year.

In the meantime, Mountain Peaks Therapy Llamas & Alpacas offers free therapy sessions at their farm, for those who need some llama love even sooner.

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