possible weapon for the undecided and fearful- time.news

by time news
from Laura Cuppini

The European Commission has signed an agreement with the US company to supply EU countries with up to 200 million doses in the fourth quarter of 2021 and in the next two years

Novavax could be the fifth Covid vaccine authorized in Europe, after Pfizer / BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson. The EU Commission has signed an agreement with the US pharmaceutical company to supply EU countries up to 200 million doses in the fourth quarter of 2021 and the next two years. The agreement will become operational as soon as the vaccine is judged safe and effective by the European Medicines Agency.

Protein vaccine

The contract with a company that is already testing with success its vaccine against the new variants is an additional guarantee for the protection of our population, observed the president of the Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. Commissioner for Health, Stella Kyriakides, stressed that vaccinations in Europe are moving forward and we are about to reach the goal of 70% of the population fully vaccinated. The agreement with Novavax expands our portfolio to include another protein-based vaccine, a type that is showing promising results in clinical trials. NVX-CoV2373 (this is the name of the vaccine) produced in collaboration with Cepi, Coalition for epidemic preparedness innovations.

Why is it important?
Novavax is a vaccine based on recombinant proteins, it will most likely be the first of its kind to be approved against SARS-CoV-2. So far we have used viral vector, mRna and inactivated virus vaccines. NVX-CoV2373 (the name of the vaccine) acts differently: introduces into the body the Spike protein developed in the laboratory and mixed with an adjuvant based on saponin which serves to stimulate the innate immune system. The latter in turn helps in triggering the adaptive response, namely T and B lymphocytes, and consequently the production of antibodies directed against the coronavirus, explains Sergio Abrignani, full professor of general pathology at the State University of Milan and director of the Romeo and Enrica Invernizzi National Institute of Molecular Genetics, as well as a member of the technical-scientific committee for the Covid emergency.

Are there other vaccines developed with recombinant proteins?
S, a technique used by more than thirty years: it has made it possible to produce vaccines today also used to protect newborns, without the risk of significant side effects: they are those againsthepatitis B, meningococcus B, shingles and HPv.

What do we know about Novavax?
Phase 3 clinical trial shows vaccine has aefficacy comparable to those at mRna (Pfizer and Moderna). The final study, conducted in Britain when the Alpha variant was prevalent and published in the New England Journal of Medicine, confirmed an effectiveness of the 96,4% against the original strain of the virus, dell’86,3% against the variant Alfa and the89,7% in general. Another survey, conducted in the United States and Mexico, shows the 100% of protection against moderate and severe disease and the 90,4% of total effectiveness. Other tests in South Africa have shown an efficacy of around 60% against the Beta variant, considered the worst so far (even if its diffusion is limited). The NVX-CoV2373 vaccine also Safe: Contains a purified protein antigen and cannot replicate or cause Covid.

What is the schedule and how is it stored?
Are provided two injections 21 days apart. The vaccine should be kept in the fridge, at 2-8. Each vial contains ten doses.

Can it be used for the recall?
Approval by EMA (European Medicines Agency) is expected to arrive after summer. The Novavax vaccine, as well as being used for third doses, can represent an important weapon towards indecisive and fearful – Abrignani underlines -, since it was developed with a proven technique for decades.

August 5, 2021 (change August 6, 2021 | 17:03)

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