“Postpartum Depression: Understanding Symptoms, Risks, and Consequences for You and Your Child After 14 Days of Depressive Mood”

by time news

2023-05-01 18:10:26

One speaks of postpartum depression after 14 days of depressive mood.Source: dpa/Fabian shrub

When Christina talks about her postpartum depression, she speaks of a “life crisis”. The then 25-year-old questioned everything and doubted that things would ever get better. Her thoughts: Full of fear and concern for her child.

I was a wreck of myself after 14 days without restful sleep and just wanted to sleep.

Christina suffered from postpartum depression

“I was no longer happy, just thinking about how I should do things when I wasn’t sleeping,” Christina recalls the weeks after the birth of her child. “I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to breastfeed. I was afraid that my premature baby wouldn’t gain weight.”

In the end, Christina doubted whether she could ever get well again and be a good mother, she says.

What is the difference to the baby blues?

Every sixth to tenth mother and every tenth father in Germany has a similar situation to Christina. If symptoms such as loss of interest, fears for the child or depression persist for more than 14 days – this is referred to as postpartum depression – better known as postpartum depression.

Postpartale Depression: The greatest risk factor for postpartum depression is a previous depression. But excessive stress or the fact that the child is not healthy can also increase the likelihood of an illness.

  • dejection
  • strong concern for the child
  • loss of interest
  • but also poor sleep, loss of appetite, loss of concentration
Source: Health Knowledge Foundation

Postpartum depression is to be distinguished from the so-called baby blues:

Babyblues: In the first few days after giving birth, 50 percent of mothers experience mood swings. The main reason for this is the hormonal change. One speaks of baby blues (also called “howling days”). Symptoms: Crying for no reason and mood swings.

Source: Health Knowledge Foundation

While good mood and optimism can have a positive impact on people, they do not solve all mental health problems. Under 0800 / 1110111 offers the telephone counseling free and anonymous consultations. Young people find at the Number against Kummer under 116111 Help. Those affected can also find advice centers on the website of the Federal Center for Health Education (bzga.de).

What is postpartum depression?

Between ten and fifteen percent of mothers and about ten percent of fathers suffer from postpartum depression in Germany. Psychologist Nora Nonnenmacher knows that many are ashamed of their feelings and do not dare to talk about them.

Prompt treatment is important. Also to prevent long-term consequences. The treatment is similar to that of normal depression. In terms of content, however, the postpartum depression differs.

In the case of postpartum depression, the focus would be on the role of mother or father and the child. “The negative thoughts very often relate to one’s own role as a mother or father, for example feelings of guilt, not being a good mother or father, not being able to take care of the child properly,” says Nonnenmacher, head of the “Parent-Child Studies” at the Heidelberg University Hospital.

  • Mild depressive episode: Reduce stress, encourage physical activity, eat healthy and get enough sleep
  • Moderate depression: additional psychotherapy and, if necessary, use of antidepressants
  • Moderate to severe depression: additional psychotherapy and administration of antidepressants

What consequences can postpartum depression have for the child?

Bonding” describes a mother’s first emotional bond with her child. This begins during pregnancy and continues after birth, explains expert Nonnenmacher. Bonding continues to increase throughout the postpartum period.

This bonding structure is very often made more difficult in postpartum depression. That means: The mother has less positive feelings for the child.

In the worst case it could lead to “bonding disorders” come. “The mother then doesn’t accept the child properly, thinks she would be happier without the child,” says Nonnenmacher.

But the expert is important to mention: “There are enough mothers and fathers who can do it a good caregiver for the child despite depression to be, even if it is exhausting for those affected.”

Postpartum depression is not automatically bad for children’s development.

Sadness, overwhelm, listlessness: The mothers Nina, Ricarda & Simone talk about their emotional roller coaster on funk – baby stories.

06.02.2020 | 04:55 min

What role does society play?

Society’s expectations of expectant parents are high: the birth should be a happy event, if not the most beautiful moment in life. Not feeling well after the birth is a strong taboo, says the head of the parent-child studies:

Postpartum depression is very much taboo. Because there is an image in the media and in society that women in particular should be happy after giving birth. And then you are not so physically exhausted with joy.

Nora Nonnenmacher, parent-child studies

Women in particular would also suffer greatly from having to do everything “perfectly” during pregnancy, at birth and afterwards, says Nonnenmacher.

What helped Christina?

Christina made it, fought her way out of the difficult phase – also with the help of her husband. Good sleep, relief and conversations were the key for her.

I also had to learn to relinquish control, let go of fears and trust God.


In her opinion, there is generally little understanding in dealing with depression. It is all the more important that you as a friend or relative do not withdraw, but are there for the sick person – supported, listened to and endured.

Read here how men can also be affected by postpartum depression:

Postpartale Depression: Fathers can also become ill after childbirth

Fathers can also become mentally ill after the birth of their child. The hormone testosterone can play a role in postpartum depression. A victim tells.

#Postpartum #depression #wreck

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