Potsdam meeting: Vosgerau opposes the “Tagesschau” report on the “Correctiv” investigation

by time news

2024-07-29 10:34:20

media Court in Hamburg

The lawyer wins against the “Tagesschau” report on the “Correctiv” investigation.

As of: 12:34 pm

Potsdam meeting: Vosgerau opposes the “Tagesschau” report on the “Correctiv” investigation

View of a guest house where the meeting took place

Source: Jens Kalaene/dpa

In court, a participant in the Potsdam meeting successfully defended himself against a report by “Tagesschau” that corrected the study “Correctiv”. So it cannot be said that the alienation of the German citizens is discussed.

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AAt the beginning of the year, research through the “Correctiv” portal was reported nationwide. Under the title “Secret Plan for Germany”, it held a public meeting in Potsdam in November 2023, which was attended by AfD politicians and members of the CDU and the Union of Values. The topic is “emigration”, by which right-wing extremists understand that a large number of people of foreign origin should leave the country – even under torture.

The “Tagesschau” also reported on the study on its website. Constitutional lawyer Ulrich Vosgerau fought against various words in the article – and was right. He reported that The legal magazine “LTO: “It seems that they (“Tagesschau”, note) understood the report “Correctiv” to mean that they had discussed the migration of German nationals there, and they reported it.”

Ulrich Vosgerau

Ulrich Vosgerau

Quelle: image Alliance/dts-Agentur/-

The Hanseatic Higher Regional Court (OLG) has now decided in an urgent procedure: Norddeutsche Rundfunk (NDR), which is responsible for “Tagesschau”, is not allowed to continue to report “with respect to” Vosgerau that the movement of bodies the town was also discussed at the Potsdam meeting (decision of July 23, 2024, file no. 7 W 78/24). The Supreme District Court based the ban on these statements on the fact that they are procedurally untrue statements. The Supreme Regional Court therefore considered the affidavits from several participants in the meeting presented by Vosgerau to be reliable.

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Photographs reproduced from Landhaus Adlon in Potsdam

The court therefore reversed the decision of the Hamburg district court, which had ruled against NDR and denied Vosgerau’s request for an order, “LTO” reports.

“LTO” indicates that the OLG came to its decision in a quick procedure without sufficient evidence. The result may be different in any of the main procedures. OLG also left open whether “Correctiv” also reported falsely. The sometimes positive wording in the study caused confusion after publication.

#Potsdam #meeting #Vosgerau #opposes #Tagesschau #report #Correctiv #investigation

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