Power consumption decline due to heavy rain Dinamalar

by time news

Due to continuous heavy rains in Chennai-South districts, the power consumption of Tamil Nadu has fallen to 30 crore units. The power consumption is the amount of electricity used by the whole of Tamil Nadu in a day i.e. 24 hours a day.

The daily average power consumption of 30 crore units increases during the summer season. Accordingly, on April 29 this year, the power consumption increased to 38.80 crore units. This is the highest ever. Power consumption in July averaged 35 crore units per day.

The highest amount in this month was 35.15 crore units on 5th. It has been raining heavily in southern districts for a week. Thus, on the 1st of this month, 30.31 crore units; 2, power consumption declined to 30.89 crore units. This will decrease further if the rains continue.

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