Power Struggle Over CEO Appointment at Rafael Defense Company

by time news

Power Struggle Over CEO Appointment at Defense Company Rafael

Two top figures within the Israeli government defense company Rafael are locked in a power struggle over the appointment of its next CEO. Defense Minister Yoav Galant is vying for the promotion of Major General (Ret.) Yoel Strick to the position, while the chairman of the company, Minister and former Knesset member Yuval Steinitz, is opposing the idea. Outgoing CEO Major General (ret.) Yoav Har Even is also involved in the process and is working to appoint one of the senior division managers, according to sources.

The race for the position commenced around two and a half months ago when General (ret.) Har Even announced his departure after serving for approximately eight years. The position is highly prestigious and senior within both the defense industry and the wider economy. Several candidates within Rafael’s senior management ranks have been identified, all at the level of VP: Dr. Ran Gozali, the head of the land and sea division; Brigadier General (res.) Finney Jungman, the head of the Air Defense Division responsible for systems such as Iron Dome; and Yuval Miller, who has been favored for the role by Har Even.

While Chairman Steinitz believes that promoting a CEO from within Rafael’s senior management will encourage excellence and provide opportunities for advancement within the company, Defense Minister Galant intends to challenge this vision with his candidate, Strick. Strick retired from the IDF two years ago after a distinguished career, during which he held various high-ranking positions including commander of the Northern Command. Galant and Strick have known each other for about 25 years, and their friendship has developed since their initial meeting when Galant was the commander of the Gaza Division.

Chairman Steinitz is strongly opposed to Galant’s interference in the selection process, stating that only Rafael’s management should have a say in choosing the next CEO. He has made it clear that he will not tolerate external interference from the defense minister. This clash of interests between Steinitz and Galant could result in a heated confrontation over the appointment.

Rafael is publicly presenting the appointment process as not having begun yet, claiming that the race for the CEO has not officially been opened. However, a search committee has been formed, consisting of board members, a representative from the Companies Authority, legal advisors, and led by senior vice president Amit Zimmer. Rafael is under close supervision from the Government Companies Authority during the selection process.

In response to the ongoing discussions, Rafael stated, “until the committee’s work is completed and the candidate selected in accordance with the standard procedure is approved, we cannot comment on any detail on the matter.” Galant’s office also responded, emphasizing that “the Minister of Defense is not dealing with the appointment of a CEO for Rafael.”

As the power struggle intensifies, the appointment of the next CEO is sure to be a topic of high tension and debate within the defense company.

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