Powerful MRI detects tumors as small as 1mm

by time news

In addition to more precise treatments, it is very important to determine metastases of prostate cancer as soon as possible. With the new approach of Radboudumc, combining a powerful MRI scanner with a new type of contrast agent, this is becoming increasingly successful. The research was carried out in collaboration with the University of Duisburg-Essen, where the advanced scanner is located in the Erwin L. Hahn Institute for MRI.

Metastasized or not?

With cancer, the question of whether or not it has metastasized is crucial. It is important to find any metastases as soon as possible, because they determine the prognosis and treatment. With the new innovative technology, metastatic prostate cancer can be detected earlier. This has emerged from research conducted on twenty patients led by professor of Biomedical Magnetic Resonance Tom Scheenen of Radboud university medical center.

Powerful MRI

Tom Scheenen explains how this innovation works on the Radboudumc website. “For the first time, we are combining two recently developed techniques: an MRI scan of the abdomen on a scanner with a magnetic field strength of seven Tesla and the use of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles as a contrast agent.”

The combination of this new contrast medium and the powerful scanner makes it possible to detect metastases as small as one millimeter in size. There is no other technology available yet that makes this possible. By way of comparison: with conventional methods, tumors of around five millimeters are detected.

Targeted prostate cancer treatment

A faster and more effective way to detect metastases has advantages for the patient. They get a definite answer about the prognosis and course of the disease sooner and they can be treated earlier and in a more targeted manner. Radiologist Ansje Fortuin, the first author of the publication: “Removing the prostate alone is not enough for metastatic cancer. In addition, this is a taxing operation. Irradiation is then a better option. With this powerful MRI scanner and the iron oxide contrast agent, we can determine earlier whether there are metastases in the lymph nodes and where they are exactly. Radiotherapists include this information in the radiation plan and irradiate these glands very precisely.”

Finally, good news is that this unique scanning technology may also be applicable to other types of cancer in the future. This is currently being investigated in esophageal, pancreatic and head and neck tumors.

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