PP, Vox and Cs battle in Europe to stop the amnesty: “We ask for help in the face of the end of the rule of law”

by time news

2023-11-14 08:15:31

PP, Vox and Cs have been working for months in Brussels to alert the EU against Pedro Sánchez’s Amnesty Law for attacking the Constitution and the rule of law. Through initiatives promoted jointly or separately, the three parties have put the European institutions on alert to try to stop the Government’s plans.

The parties of Sorrows Montserrat y Love Pagaurtundúa have sent to the top leaders of the EU the statements issued by the CGPJ, the associations of judges, prosecutors or state lawyers rejecting the agreement signed between the PSOE and Junts as it is an attack on the separation of powers. The European Commission, the European Council and the various Member States already have these documents in their possession.

Montserrat recalls that the European institutions have already acted on other occasions with EU countries for putting the rule of law at risk with their decisions, as happened with Poland or Hungary, which is why she demands that they act to “stop” this attack on democracy. “It is the beginning of an era of political destabilization and a clear degradation of the very foundations of the democratic rule of law,” he warned before the media.

Also the Cs MEP, Adrian Vazquezhe explained yesterday in an interview in Antena3 that at the moment action is being taken to “explain” to all MEPs what is happening in Spain, including the socialist colleagues of the PSOE, whom Pedro Sánchez addressed last weekend to defend his investiture but without even pronouncing the Law of amnesty. Vázquez has regretted “having gone from always defending the democratic quality of my country in Europe to now having to speak badly of it and ask for help“.

Last week Vox also sent a letter to all MEPs of the European Parliament collecting these same statements to alert Europe about what is happening in Spain. The MEP Jorge Buxadé warned them that the Amnesty Law ““It is the greatest act of corruption that a politician can commit.” and demanded that the Commission make an “immediate” ruling on the matter.

The three parties have also promoted the celebration of a Plenary session in the European Parliament next week to address the Amnesty Law. The exact date on which it will take place is expected to be announced next Thursday. In addition, they are translating their video or social media communications into English so that their warnings about the rule transcend the national level.

Brussels action

Sources from the European Parliament explain to Digital Freedom that Brussels could act against Spain in several ways: sending notices that call into question the country’s external image, as has already happened with the letter sent by the Commissioner of Justice, Didier Reynders, which asked the Government for information in this regard. A requirement that Felix Bolaños He dispatched assuring that the competence lies exclusively with the Spanish Parliament.

Once the Amnesty Law has been registered, Europe can ask the Government to send it a copy of it to study its content in detail and make a decision on the matter. Besides, could promote the suspension of transfers to European fundsThat is, stop financing Spain if it sees that there is a violation of the rule of law.

Finally, in its annual report on the democratic quality of the different Member States, it could suspend Spain, with the consequent loss of international prestige which, in addition, entails more far-reaching actions that could put our situation within the EU at risk. .

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