PR represents barriers to continental integration

by time news

2024-07-21 16:08:07

The President of the Republic, João Lourenço, said this Sunday, in Accra, Ghana, that Africa is facing enormous challenges that are genuine obstacles to achieving the objectives of the integration agendas such as Economic Communities and Regional Mechanisms.

The statesman stated the fact while speaking, as President of SADC, at the 6th biennial coordination meeting between the African Union (AU), the Regional Economic Communities (CER) and the Regional Mechanisms (MR).

He stressed that this aspect also conditions the continent’s stability, self-assertion and progress and development.

As challenges, he pointed out, among others, environmental problems, the increase in the cost of living of the population, the reduction of energy supply chains and other chains of equal weight and concern, which forced Member States SADC accelerate the implementation of programs and projects. designed to continuously deepen the region’s integration process.

According to the President, the aim of these efforts is to boost sustainable and inclusive socio-economic development, end poverty and preserve peace and security in the southern zone of the continent, thereby contributing to stabilization, peace and economic development of the African continent.

In fact, João Lourenço emphasized that SADC Member States are committed to collaborating and working together to combine efforts and resources in order to develop common physical infrastructures and harmonize regulatory frameworks, to eliminate geographical barriers and other existing ones, in order to facilitate the free movement of people, goods and services, technology and capital between countries.

He emphasized that through the implementation of the common agenda, while complying with the provisions set out in the Protocol on the Free Movement of Persons, SADC has gradually eliminated obstacles to movement in the region.

In this chapter, the Head of State emphasized the fact that some States go bilaterally, but always taking into account the objectives of regional integration, a little further in relation to what is established in the protocol.

Therefore, the Statesman explained, accepting various initiatives such as the application of 90 day visas on arrival, exemption from the mandatory entry visa between States, the mandatory use of passports instead of identity cards.

He also referred to the fact that certain Member States had decided to abolish in their legal system the obligation regarding residence permits, access to land and work for citizens of other Member States.

customs union

Regarding the Customs Union and the Common Market, in accordance with the program provided for in the Indicative Strategic Plan for Regional Development 2020-2050 (RISDP 2020-2050), João Lourenço declared that SADC is moving towards the elimination of tariffs that attributable to 85 % of it. products.

The situation, he continued, means that the region currently has the highest intra-regional trade rates in Africa, accounting for 23% of total trade with the rest of the world, indicating progress making the Community significant in relation to the implementation of the Zone. of Free Trade Zones and achieve the ultimate goal of commercial integration.

The President of SADC emphasized that this process has been facilitated by the increase in the construction of regional infrastructure, such as transport, electricity, information and communication technologies and others, which are aligned with the Strategy and Roadmap for SADC Industrialization 2015-2063. and with the African Union Agenda 2063.

In that perspective, he informed the summit that SADC is supporting the member states to improve industrial competitiveness, by implementing regional value chains in the mining, agricultural and pharmaceutical sectors, in order to boost productive integration.

“In addition to the previously mentioned aspects, which are essential for market integration, it is important that we also take into account the need to create a stable macroeconomic environment, which helps to make regional integration viable as a whole”, he said . .

Therefore, according to the President, the region is focused on strengthening the financial sector, including establishing a functional regional cross-border payments system, creating a Regional Stock Exchange, reinforcing financial inclusion, harmonizing regulatory frameworks for its supervision effective banking and improving the investment and business environment.

Valuing gender

João Lourenço said that integration must be seen from the perspective of gender and youth development for SADC.

To that end, according to the President of the Republic, the organization is making efforts to speed up the implementation of priority areas of the SADC Protocol on Gender and Youth Development.

In this way, it actively promotes the participation of women in leadership, the economy and peace and security processes.

Developing human capital

In addition to this and taking into account the global importance of human capital in the entire regional development process, he is working towards the completion of a Regional Framework of Qualifications that will harmonize the Education and Training Systems of the Region, in the establishment of a SADC University Changed and harmonized data collection on education and work.

Under the motto “Educating and Empowering Africa for the 21st Century”, the main objectives of the meeting are to promote a clear division of labor and effective cooperation between the AU, economic communities, regional mechanisms and member states of the continental organization, in order to be aligned with the principle of subsidiarity, complementarity and comparative advantage.SC/ART

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