Pray for his recovery: the manager of the ‘Hospitality’ at the Rashbi’s Tomb had a stroke

by time news

Rabbi Meir Karlibach, who is in charge of ‘hospitality’ at the Rashbi’s Tomb complex in Miron, was taken to the hospital after suffering a stroke. His family is asking for prayers for the healing of Rabbi Meir Ben Buna Miriam Karlibach among the rest of Israel’s patients.

JDN News has learned that Rabbi Karlibach has not found peace for his soul since the terrible disaster that occurred on Mount Meron in Lag B’Omer Tashfa, in which 45 worshipers were killed. Recently he suffered from great weakness and this week he had a stroke.

It should be noted that in his testimony about a year ago before the members of the investigative committee, Rabbi Karlibach stated before the members of the investigative committee that he would not stop the activity there, unless he received an order from the court. He claimed that there is no opinion that the building is dangerous, unlike other places or buildings in the Zion complex. To the claim that the building is illegal – he replied: “Nothing illegal. Both the electrical room and the police room – illegal.”

He explained to the members of the committee that there are several spiritual clues that the restrictions on the aliyah to the Rabbi Balag B’Omer led to the terrible disaster. He claimed that the authorities did not allow the establishment of a hospitality tent for women, and when they erected a tent, they dismantled it. According to him, the size of the area on which the tent was supposed to be built was 45 square meters, and in the end there were 45 dead and on this area they performed the resuscitation of the victims of the disaster.

Rabbi Karlibach described how for about fifty years he has been giving his life for the place. During his testimony, he even revealed that the structure of the guest house was built in the form of the Mishkan as they hold in their hands a long-standing tradition that the distribution of food in Zion Rashbi is a sacred thing as they would offer sacrifices at the time of the Mishkan.

During his entire testimony, Rabbi Karlibach revealed the depths of his heart and said that he is a messenger of the Hakkadesh in the place and he does not do anything on his own accord. In his words, he even pointed out that according to tradition, the distribution of food in the place has been taking place for hundreds of years and he is only stepping into these big shoes to serve the thousands of immigrants during the entire year to commemorate the Rabbi Zia in Meron.

To the question of the members of the investigative committee, Rabbi Karlibach presented a number of permits he had received for the hospitality complex, the permits presented included engineer’s permits, council permits and even fire and rescue permits that were received every year in the year before the Revelry of the Rabbi in Miron. Members of the committee questioned the connection between the association and the endowment when Rabbi Karlibach Presenting his orderly doctrine that the association is basically intended to sustain the activity of the endowment, “without the association there would be no endowment,” Rabbi Karlibach explained.

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