Prayer Intentions September 2024

by time news

Congregation Life – SEPTEMBER 2024

30/08-05/09 a Montebello (CUR): Training meeting for Northern Hemisphere Councils.

01-07 in Madagascar (MAD): Spiritual exercises for young religious men among the Benedictines.

02-09 a Brańszczyk (MBC): Fifth round of the Spiritual Exercises for Jacob’s Ladder with the sick and disabled people.

02-07 a Zduńska Wola (MCB): Spiritual exercises for clerics and postulants with the renewal of vows on September 8.

03 a Animal-N’dotré (NDA): Renewal of vows of 11 young religious (4 NDA, 4 MMD and 3 BRS).

05 in videoconference (NDG): Meeting of religious communities.

07 a Zduńska Wola (MBC): Rite of entrance to the Novitiate for 1 postulant.

07 a Antsofinonrdy (MAD): Rite of Entrance to the Novitiate for 5 Postulants

07 to Major Martinez-Paraguay (NDG): Priestly ordination of Deacon Humberto Ruiz Díaz Riveros.

08-30 in Madagascar (MAD): General canonical visit.

08 in Bonoua-Novitiato (NDA): Rite of entrance to the Novitiate for 16 postulants (2 NDA, 10 MMD and 4 BRS).

08 in Cordoba (NDG): Renewal of vows of a young religious man.

08 Bangalore (OLH): Patronal Feast of the Delegation.

08 in Bonoua-Sanctuary (NDA): First religious profession of 7 novices (3 NDA, 2 MMD and 2 BRS).

08 in Tortona (MDP): First profession of 5 novices (3 MDP; 1 NSP; 1 NSC)

08 a Antsofinonrdy (MAD): First religious profession of 7 novices.

12-14 a Zduńska Wola (MBC): Spiritual Exercises for the MLO

15-21 a Roma (CUR): Spiritual exercises of young religious.

14 a Wloclawek (MBC): Celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Beatification of Fr. Francisek Drzewiecki.

16 in videoconference (BRS): MLO training meeting

16-19 at General Lakes (NDG): Adults II Promotion Meeting (1989-1993).

21 to Belo Horizonte-Theologico (BRN): Establishment of ministries of 8 young religious.

23-26 a Brasilia (BRN): III Provincial meeting of perpetually vowed religious.

25 in videoconference (BRS): Meeting of the Secretariat for Training.

25-27 at Villa Tupasy-San Miguel (NDG): Meeting of the Secretariat of Parish Pastoral Care.

25-29 a Assisi (MDP): Spiritual Exercises of the Charismatic Family.

28 a Fare (MAD): Ordinazione presbiterale dei Diac.: Herintsoa Jacques ANDRINIAINA; Jean Claude Etienne RANDRIAMBOLATINASOA; Stanislas Romain RECORDS; Donnat Gatien Emmanuel RASALAMA and Jacques Rodin RAMAMONJISOA.

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