Pre-announcement: call with Indonesia on resilient health systems (Merian Fund)

by time news

NWO, through the Merian Fund, and the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (KemendikbudRistek) are working together in this program to stimulate Indonesian-Dutch research collaboration. It funds joint research that is in line with the national research agendas of Indonesia and the Netherlands, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Zoonoses and pandemics

The environment in which we live, work, learn and play affects our health. This environment is changing in both the Netherlands and Indonesia as a result of climate change. It influences the existence and spread of human pathogenic diseases; for example, rising temperatures will lead to the spread of zoonoses, exposing more people to ‘new’ diseases, and the reproductive rate of pathogens will increase.

This call addresses the prevention of new outbreaks of pathogenic pathogens (pathogens) and pandemic preparedness related to human health. The aim of this call is to further develop the scientific and societal agenda on resilient healthcare systems; establishing the necessary inter- and transdisciplinary research partnerships from both countries; and contribute to the SDG goals.

Interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity and guidelines

Applications must be interdisciplinary. Since this is a subject where Indonesia and the Netherlands can also learn from each other, comparative work between the two countries can be useful. The research can range from basic to applied research, but should move towards application-oriented solutions, such as disease outbreak prevention scenarios and methodologies and better diagnostic tools.

The following guidelines are important in the proposals:

  • The consortia must cross the boundaries of scientific disciplines (interdisciplinarity) and integrate the knowledge of scientists and practitioners in joint research (transdisciplinarity).
  • There is an equal partnership and sustainable cooperation between the partners in the consortium and with relevant stakeholders, including between the Indonesian and Dutch partners.

Preliminary timetable and budget

Proposals must be submitted to both organizations. The schedule is as follows (ovb):

February 2023 Openstelling call for proposals
25 april 2023Deadline for submitting documents co-applicants to NWO (if necessary)
9 mei 2023 Proposal submission deadlines (at both organizations)
End of August/SeptemberRebuttal phase
December 2023 Remuneration decision

The maximum duration of the proposed projects on the Dutch side is four years. The total Dutch budget is expected to amount to 1.4 million euros. On the Indonesian side, five work packages per project, each led by a different Indonesian researcher, will be funded. Together, NWO and KemendikbudRistek aim to finance two projects with this budget.

Ministry of Education and Culture-NWO-samenwerking

Indonesia and the Netherlands have traditionally cooperated in the field of research and education. The research agendas of both countries have considerable overlap. In addition, the sustainable development goals (SDGs) of the United Nations offer opportunities for cooperation. Themes of mutual interest include sustainable food chains, governance and the energy transition. Every year there is a joint call for proposals, in consultation with researchers and stakeholders in Indonesia and the Netherlands.

Ongoing projects with Indonesia

In 2018, six projects on food, water and the rule of law were awarded funding, in 2019 two joint research projects in the field of renewable energy and in 2021 also two projects on the theme of regional planning and sustainable urbanization.

Merian Fund

The Merian Fund is a fund for international cooperation with important scientific countries. Research collaborations under the Merian Fund are characterized by an impact-driven approach to broad societal challenges and aim to contribute to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) around the world. The research is therefore interdisciplinary, and different partners from society are involved throughout the process. In the Merian Fund, NWO collaborates with seven partners in five countries: CAS and NSFC (China), FAPESP (Brazil), DST and DBT (India), KemendikbudRistek (Indonesia) and NRF (South Africa).

Beeld: Shutterstock/Warih D

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